My favorite Bobcat set is a dead chicken hanging in a 4' tree with feathers everywhere.
Not legal where you are and I am not sure it is legal here.
If I were going to trap in some place
and visible bait was a no no, I would use some 'variation'.
First off, the best bait for well... anything,
is female in heat urine.
The best attractors for Bobcat are visual,
and feathers would fill the bill were it not for the fact that they were illegal,
Think, get the trapping rules,
figure minimum distances from the 'set' for illegal stuff to be,
and just go a little further.
A sack of feathers scattered at 30 yards, 40 yards whatever,
all around the set will provide a visual attractor for old Cat,
he will be hunting around the area and smell the:
'Bobcat in heat' scent,
which you could use at a dirt hole a cubby, or whatever...
Try variations on that idea.
' Poet'