Well, I'm undecided at this time as to which caliber to flavor this project in. I tossed around the 6mmBR, and the 6mm-284, and the 22-250. Kinda dropped the 22-250, because everybody and their brother seems to have something in this caliber. I like the wildcat route myself, you know, something that when your average range shooter asks you what your shooting - he/she has no idea what your answer is. On the other hand the new Super Short Magnums have also caught my attention. Any thoughts on the matter?
This will be a heavy barrel rig, high magnification optics, bipod rig. I'm just not sure.............
Ladobe - the 17HMR interested me until I talked to some local shooters that have some time with them. Sounds like they get fouled pretty easily and are unreliable past the 150 yard mark. (Only speaking second hand)
Oops, looks like this should go to the single shot rifle forum.