Obviously you are dismissing the FACT that Iraq has slipped into CIVIL WAR. THE "WORLD" KNOWS THIS, and it is on NATIONAL NEWS DAILEY. My son is in Baghdad with the 82n Air Borne, and he says the same thing. It is Iraqi killing Iraqi, for territory in country and city. This is his second tour in Iraq, and he has one in Afghanistan. He says that although Iraq and Afghanistan are different in many ways regarding attitude, that neither is interested in Democracy. They are interested in TURF.
It is truly amazing that some Americans are "hanging on" to the fight'em over there concept, when Afghanistan was the real center of terrorist training, and Hussain just quit playing ball with his sugar daddy the U.S. It is equally amazing that they support an idiot that claims he is ensuring our SAFETY when he OPENLY SUPPORTS OPEN BORDERS AND IGNORES THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ON THE ISSUE.
And congress went along to get along with lies and bad intel, and are NOW backing away, with republicans included. Over 71% of Americans, and almost all of the WORLD (including England whom is pulling out as we type) have finally had it dawn on them, that like Viet Nam, Iraq was a mistake.
We are no more able to stamp out Islam in Iraq, than we were Communism in VietNam, and that is what we are fighting in Iraq. Islam! When we finally had the good sense to get our troops out of a senseless war (VietNam) in which 53,000 good Americans died for nought, the world did not end there. Nor would it in Iraq. It seems that some will not be satisfied until we reach our body count quota in Iraq, before they see what the rest of America and the world ALREADY SEES.
I remember the days of the YELLOWDOG DEMOCRAT. They would vote for the "dog" if it was a democrat. Somethings NEVER change, and some people will stay on a ship that everyone else has realized, is sinking because of bad construction.