Hello Varmint101,
One of my favorite things in this life is an excited, new owner of a T/C pistol. We can all see and hear the enthusiasm in your writing and we all remember when we got our first taste of T/C's.
We cuss 'em, we love 'em, we fondle 'em, we look at 'em in ways our wives and girlfriends wish we looked at them, we polish 'em, we show 'em off to our friends, we argue about em, we swap 'em and sell em, then we wish we had 'em back, we tell colorful tales (OK, they're lies) about 'em, we reload for 'em, we buy scopes and accessories we can't afford for 'em, we embezzle money from the cookie jar to get more of 'em, we dream about 'em, we relish being able to interest a son, daughter, relative or friend in em this list could go on for days. . .but most of all, we are glad to be part of a larger whole, what I like to think of as a select fraternity of folks that heard a different drummer and took up the challenge to do it with a Contender or an Encore just to show those rifle folks that were good shots too! There have been quite a few red-faced rifle shooters who underestimated our T/Cs - make sure you always do the right thing and graciously invite a rifle shooter to shoot your T/C pistol after you win a contest shooting against their long gun, they might suddenly become a T/C convert!
Thanks for telling us about your new T/C and letting us share the experience with you!
Good and safe shooting to you!