Took my 11 y.o., his Pop Warner football buddy (11 y.o.), who had never been hunting, and his grandfather, an experienced Winchester .308 hunter with me Sunday morning. Put them on my best stand and Grandpa shot an 80# sow in the company of a 300-plus pound boar that he didn't want to and didn't shoot. I saw it leave the property. It was HUGE. How big are they when standing almost 3 feet tall and over 4 feet in length (estimated weight at a range of 200 yards)?
That boar got me EXCITED again about hunting hogs. It has been too many years since a HUGE hog frequented my feeder. The right man for this job is my just turned 70 y.o. hunting partner with Congestive Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (C.O.P.D.) and his .338 Browning BAR. Dave is not too much longer for this old world and nothing would warm my heart more than to put him on this hog.
Pics of the little piggy gal to be posted after Grandpa hands me his Thumb Drive at football practice tomorrow afternoon.