Well my wife gave me the go ahead to get another gun to hunt with in Indiana so I've been searching high and low. I've looked at pistols, shotguns, leveractions chambered for pistol calibers, and just recently muzzleloaders. The thing is, I keep coming back to the Handi. I already own a Handi 25-06 and I just recently got a 44Mag barrel for it, but I've always had a thing for the Survivor 308. I own a Survivor 45/410 already and I'd like to get the 308 and add a shotgun and maybe another rifle barrel to the frame and make it my pack/camp gun. I figure the 308 for long range big game, the shotgun for small game and maybe another barrel for the fun of it (I wish it would accept a rimfire barrel) How does the 308 Survivor shoot? What's a good slip-on recoil pad to put on it? What kind of scope / eye alignmet does the stock offer? Am I able to get a good cheek weld and still have my eye lined up with the scope? I know I can't use the 308 to hunt with in IN but that's ok I have my 44Mag Handi and may get another pistol chambered barrel for the Survivor if my 44 won't fit the frame.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.