Headed to the range this AM with a few handi's . Took the 243SL , 22" - 45/70 , 45/70 BC , 22-250 , 223 BB and a bunch of diffrent hand loads .
(1) First to go was the 243 SL with the Hornady 58gr V-max and H-4895 powder , started @ 40gr working up to 43gr in .5 changes . All were shooting MOG ( Min of Groundhog ) @ 100 yards with the 42.5gr load being the best at just under 1" , now to fine tune some with powder charge & COL .
(2) Next was the 22-250 , changed out the wood for a set of Choate UV stocks , much better fit for me . bullets were the 55gr V-max and powder was IMR4895 , .5 below max with a factory COL , groups were just at 1/2" @ 100 ( its a keeper )
(3) Next up were the 2 , 45/70s just to compare the 22" to the 32" barrels . the 22" has standard iron sights and the BC had peep sights ( that i HATE ) , loads were 44gr of H4895 under both 330gr &405gr cast bullets , the short one was shooting just were it should at under 3" groups @ 100 , but the BC was all over the paper ( did i say that i HATE the peep sights ) so the BC will be getting a scope .
(4) Last was the RED MONSTER - 223 BB with the Speer TNT 50gr HPs and loads of IMR4895 from 25.5gr to 26.5gr going up in .2 changes , the 26.2s were the best 3 shot group at 3/4" , no were close to the under 1/2" that the 55gr V-max shoots but still OK for p-dogs .
Took my daughter and her BF along , he wanted to shoot his new 20ga Partner too ( i like the way he thinks -- some times

) all in all it was a good day .
