Author Topic: Help buggered sight mount screws & holes on Win 71 Deluxe  (Read 429 times)

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Help buggered sight mount screws & holes on Win 71 Deluxe
« on: September 18, 2007, 08:48:19 AM »
For  the first time, I took the receiver sight base off my old Win 71. This gun has seen hard duty and has a lot of wear and tear on it.  But I was startled to find that some one took a hand drill to the screw holes for some reason and the screw holes may even be out of line.  Maybe the receiver sight was a home install. The screws themselves look to have been tapered with a file and don't seem very secure when I try to reinstall the sight base.

I wanted to put on a new Williams Fool Proof as the old (Lyman?) sight is badly worn and hard to keep tightened - the brass thumb nut is badly worn.

What would be the recommended fix for this mess? Could a good smith open and straighten and rethread the holes to a fatter screw size on the receiver and base?  Fill the holes and drill new ones?

I'm frustrated as I wanted to do some load development and practice with this old gun.

What was also frustrating was that Williams FP I bought off Ebay turns out not to be for the Win 71 but for a Ruger Single Shot!  Trying to get that sorted out too.  Gotta be careful.

Anyway, suggestions are welcome.

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