I guess I don't have much of an issue of what anyone else uses to hunt deer as long as it's legal for the area they hunt. As for the power/speed/trajectory thing the same arguement can be made for those that hunt with a bow. Why do some feel the need for a high speed compound when a old fashioned recurve or longbow kills them just as dead with a well placed shot? My contention is whatever works for you is the best answer. I have hunted and killed deer with bows(recurve, long and compound) shotguns with slugs, rifles of many different calibers and revolvers. Sometimes it was cause I had nuttin else to hunt with and at other times it was just my preference at the time. Again, consistent shot placement is the key and this is a result of practice, good equipment, experience, knowledge of you quarry and last, but in my opinion one of the most important, your confidence in you abilities with the weapon you have with you and the knowledge of it's limitations.
For those of you that think the 44 is the perfect gun for all game at all ranges, more power to you and good luck hunting. Just give those of us that use handguns of lesser and greater proportions for hunting(yes, I now use a .357 and a .460, but have in the past hunted with a .44) a break and respect our right of choice. No different than being a lab owner and being able to enjoy watching a good pointer work a covey of quail. Just because there are more lab owners than pointer owners don't make them the perfect dog for all hunting situations.
I enjoy the .460 primarily because it is different and not everyone has one. Is it more gun that I need for most deer? Maybe. Will it ever be too small for the game I'm hunting? I certainly wouldn't think so. Will I make a lot of 200 yard shots with it? Probably not, but it does have the capabilities to do so....efficiently and with accuracy. In the same breath, I enjoy the .357 with iron sights for hunting deer because of the challenge of getting within my comfort zone of 35 yards. To me it is all about the hunt. The kill is secondary. For those that think that the kill and the gain of the meat is their primary reason for hunting.....good for you and good luck. I hope you do well. For those of you that are so intolerant of others choices, so animate and so quick with facts and figures that you gun is the best.............c'mon, relax and enjoy the hunt.