Wow, what controversy regarding the ethics of lawyers. I've had to deal with lawyers on a daily basis before I retired as a Union Representative negotiating contracts, jurisdictional disputes, Davis Bacon issues, and a host of others. Most, and I mean most, lawyers have proved to be quite ethical in my dealings with them. However, the class of lawyers is probably as corrupt as any other blanket statement regarding ones occupation. Big business CEO's like Exxons', WCI, etc, some labor union officials, insurance adjusters, judges, non profit orgs, hunters, and greenies, all have had corrupted officers at one time or another. Just because the individual does unethical or unlawful actions within an organization is not reason enough to blame the entire occupations of these groups or their employers. We, as Americans, are quick to forget until the media again brings enough dirt to our attention again. All of us have our personal likes and dislikes. I dislike liberals based on my personal convictions and application of logic. Fred Thompson appears to me to be the only viable Republican running, who stands any chance of winning the 2008 Presidential election against the Demoncrats. We will certainly need Divine providence, if the Dems control Congress and the White House at the same time again in our world today.