I know my last post said I was trying to get motivated, I still am. I did however just come in from dipping and sorting some more coon traps. Went through my Grizz's yesterday and got them all squared away to go. TRIED to shoot some trap today with my son. Man was that a crash and burn on my part LOL! If I shoot birds that way this fall I'll quit. I hit so few it's not worth mentioning how many. My son shot pretty darn good for never shooting trap on a real range. Always used our own ground or hand thrower. But I think a 17, 16 & 20 don't suck for a first time.
Tomorrow I may actually go work on some permissions and take a drive over the line........
Your right it is a busy time of year.
But it is the best time of year,,,, or at least it will be very soon :-)