I've been itching to get my foundry fired up and today was such a wonderful day, I couldn't resist. I made some new flasks and finished the pattern for this little cannon. Here is the barrrel lying in the Cope. I spread parting powder on everything and then ram sand over the parts.
After I have the sand rammed up I flip the cope over and dig out the sand down to the parting line. Here are a couple pictures of that. On the bottom picture you can see the lines I drew in the sand to let me know where to cut.
Here is the cope and drag with the sprues gates and risers cut into the sand. After I put the two back togather it will be ready to pore in the molten metal. Raming up the sand and cutting the gates and what not took me about an hour.
My new burner had everything ready to pore in about 35 min. Before it took me over an hour most times. here is a quick peak inside my furnace. That is some scrap 660 bronze in there
I pored two barrels and some brake and clutch leavers for my bike today. After they cool down I'll post some more pictures.