Author Topic: Loading for the SSK 30-30 14"--long  (Read 304 times)

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Offline Crashnrondo

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Loading for the SSK 30-30 14"--long
« on: October 27, 2003, 04:45:38 AM »
I've been out of reloading for a few years and had sold all my gear, now time and money allows me to start agian.  I kept all my notes as far as COL, powder, primer and so on, the only differrance is I loaded for a factory barrel last time now it's a SSK.  I shot my first reloads Saturday I made from 35.5 grains of BLC-2, 125 grain Nosler BT and benchrest primers, my first hang up was I couldn't get the bullets seated within 1/8" of the lands, so SSK has an even deeper throat?  Second I seated the bullet with only 1/8" in the case minus the boat tail and when I fired 2 rounds besides being all over the paper it was filthy dirty, infact it covered the back of the barrel with soot and looked like the barrrel had sand in it all after 2 rounds.  I know each barrel likes somthing differant but this wasn't a dirty round the last time I loaded it, is it because the bullet wasn't seated deep enough?  I tried to put another bullet in the case after shooting it and it was like it just came out of the sizer die.  Any help would be great, Thanks and sorry for the long post.   Ron

Offline jeff b. HHI 7241

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« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2003, 07:16:48 AM »
Ron, I too had a 30-40 SSK until I traded it a few weeks ago. It was my first barrel. It is throated for the factory 180's, and I could get close to the lands with 165's. With all the reloading I did for this barrel, my best grouping came with the factory stuff. I couldn't tell you why, except perhaps I tried for too much horsepower.
Good Luck!!!