You guys just cant imagine that your support has turned this tragedy completely around. My boys still have some of their toys, all that was lost was books and electronics. Some clothes were salvageable. We still can not tell how many because as I am washing them some are just ripping to shreds when I take them out of the dryer, but some are as good as new. The material possessions are not what has been the worst on the children. My 3 year old can not understand why we cant go home, and my four year old doesnt understand why the pictures at the house we are at arent of us. They are confused and out of their routine. Last night as I tucked them into bed I was able to promise them that this was only tempoary and very very soon we would have a new house that was ours again. I wouldnt have been able to do that without the support from you guys. I can close my eyes at night and know that everything will be ok. Not only because of the financial support that is helping us move, but knowing that there is still good in this world. I would have never iimagined that total strangers could do so much for people. Again thank you for everything.
God Bless,