Author Topic: Advice/Opinions Wanted Please!... How Is The 30-06 For Whitetails?  (Read 1221 times)

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Offline Snareman

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Hello my hunting buddies!

Ok, here's the deal.  I'm content hunting whitetails with a 30-30 or .243.(or so I thought)  My biggest gun for whitetails use to be the .260, but I made a mistake and sold it.  Lately I've been contemplating a larger caliber for whitetails... something that will reach out and touch 'em.  I really was thinking about getting another .260, but then I thought the .270 would be ok too.

After a buddy and I were sighting in our rifles 3 years ago, the CONCUSSION I was getting sitting beside him while he fired his 30-06 at the target about blew me away!  LOL!  In the end he had a black and blue shoulder to boot!  This got me thinking "Why the world would anyone need a 30-06 for whitetails is beyond me!"

Today I walked into a place that had a 30-06 bolt-action and I fell in love with not only the looks of the gun, but how it felt in my hands.  I was impressed with the smooth action of the bolt as well.  This little experience really got me thinking, seriously now, about maybe I should rethink about me getting a 30-06.  Around here many people use 30-06 for deer.  Why?  Don't know.

Now that I'm seriously thinking of this gun, I was "hoping" maybe you guys could sell me on why I should use a 30-06 for deer?  LOL!

I can get use to the recoil and could add a recoil pad, etc, but want to know more about this caliber for whitetails.  I use to hunt strictly confined places with limited ranges of 125 yards and often much less, but now there will be places where the shots could range from 150 to 325 yards.  Hence the reason I'm thinking about a larger caliber.

I tell you what, if this gun was a .270, I'd already own it!  I like it, but come on, isn't the 30-06 a bit of over-kill for whitetails?

What do you think?



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Re: Advice/Opinions Wanted Please!... How Is The 30-06 For Whitetails?
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2007, 11:28:03 PM »
The can of worms is now reopened. The 30-06 is a great deer caliber.  Better than 270??? Everyone has their opinion Im a 30-06 man. Why ,thats what I grew up with. If I found a 270 that fit me real good like you describe Id buy it. I think their real comparible. Im sure there will be more opinions coming
I dont care what gun Im using as long as Im hunting

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Re: Advice/Opinions Wanted Please!... How Is The 30-06 For Whitetails?
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2007, 11:39:03 PM »
burntmuch is right in everything he posted.  I am a 270 man myself - only because I fell in love at first sight with my Winchester Feather Weight.  You sound like you have already found "Your Gun".  Buy it.  Use a recoil pad on the gun and at the range.  Learn to shoot it well.  When shooting at game, I guarantee you will NOT feel the recoil - due principally to intense concentration. 

Offline Snareman

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Re: Advice/Opinions Wanted Please!... How Is The 30-06 For Whitetails?
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2007, 12:00:12 AM »
Hey!  Good morning fellas!  Great to get some feedback so soon!

I am not interested in this type gun for macho reasons... "Magnumitis", and I don't have a problem using hearing protection and a recoil pad.

I don't want to develop bad habits shooting this size caliber as I enjoy shooting accurately, so I'll be careful in that regard.

Thank you for y'alls replies thus far.  Keep 'em coming!

I do have one other question too:  When I equip the gun with a recoil pad, do I get a pad that stays with the rifle when hunting or just use one when I sight in?


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Re: Advice/Opinions Wanted Please!... How Is The 30-06 For Whitetails?
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2007, 12:31:35 AM »
Shoot it in the configuration that you intend to hunt.  If recoil pad at range, then shoot with pad at game.

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Re: Advice/Opinions Wanted Please!... How Is The 30-06 For Whitetails?
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2007, 02:08:41 AM »
Before my 1st rifle purchase I went through the dilemma of buying a 7mm remington or a 30-06.  The main things I considered were basically bullet size and bullet drop down range if I recall correctly.  I hunt in thick stuff 99% of the time but in Oklahoma there is always the possibility of hunting an open field.  Somehow I came to the conclusion that the 7mm was the better choice for me.  I bought it and love it and have killed a fair number of deer with it.  So, do your homework and see what you come up with.  I know the remington website has some great ballistics tables that show muzzle velocity, estimated point of impact at certain distances etc.  Good luck and let us know what you end up with.

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Re: Advice/Opinions Wanted Please!... How Is The 30-06 For Whitetails?
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2007, 03:41:38 AM »
Buy the 06, after all it is calling you to that magic place, I have always believed every red bloodied gun owner should own at least one 30-06, go on the net and look at some of the trajectory reports for the cal, I have had my best luck with the 165 grain bullets, however there are several good bullet/load combos to try from, and as far as the recoil pad goes get a good quality one and have it professionally instaled, there are more bad instalation recoil pads out there than ever mentioned.   JIM

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Re: Advice/Opinions Wanted Please!... How Is The 30-06 For Whitetails?
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2007, 04:56:07 AM »
The 30-06 has probably killed more game of all sorts in this country than any other cartridge.  That includes the 30-30 and so forth.  It may kill a whitetail a little deader than he needs to be --depends on where you'll be hunting-- but the 30-06 will also take you elk hunting, moose hunting, black bear hunting, mule deer hunting.  I guess I'm trying to say it's a pretty versatile cartridge.   ;D  If you plan on hunting only whitetails and don't go with the 30-06,  forget the .270, altho it has a shrill but shrinking following, and get you a 7-08.
The 30-06 is easy to get used to. Just don't try too much too soon.  As posted, 57grs of 4350 and a good 165gr bullet will get you where you want to go.

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Re: Advice/Opinions Wanted Please!... How Is The 30-06 For Whitetails?
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2007, 06:51:37 AM »
I recently purchased a 7mm-08 and love it, but I still tend to grab my 30-06 when I go hunting (I practice with both). I am just more comfortable with it, it's stainless with a synthetic stock so I don't mess up my pretty rifles.  :)

I use 165 grain Corelokt's and it works well for me.
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Re: Advice/Opinions Wanted Please!... How Is The 30-06 For Whitetails?
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2007, 07:10:16 AM »
the 3006  makes a fine white tail gun , try 125 gr. loads . The truth is most any center fire rifle in the 2506 to 300 win. mag. will get that deer ! we all like this or that but most work just fine ! the wife says i like tooooo many !
if you were to hunt some thing larger the 30's may have an edge but that's debatable to ! if you like it get it !
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Offline PeterCartwright

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Re: Advice/Opinions Wanted Please!... How Is The 30-06 For Whitetails?
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2007, 09:19:33 AM »
In my experience, whitetails are not difficult to kill.  And I truly love the .30-30 (and the .35 Remington and a host of other cartridges) for woods hunting.  But I concur with other posters:  everybody ought to own at least one .30-'06.  Recoil?  Well, perceptions of recoil are dependent on a lot of things-weight of the gun, design of the stock etc.  I think most adult males (and many women, too) can learn to handle the .30-'06 without being called "masochists".

As a caveat, I'll voice my opinion that bullets 165 gr. and heavier are less likely to waste (whitetail) venison if your shots tend to be inside of 50 yards.  There are almost an infinite number of choices of wonderful .30-'06 factory loads, and even more handloading options.

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Re: Advice/Opinions Wanted Please!... How Is The 30-06 For Whitetails?
« Reply #11 on: October 04, 2007, 11:43:33 AM »
30/06 has been killing deer for more years than most people can count.
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Offline Snareman

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Re: Advice/Opinions Wanted Please!... How Is The 30-06 For Whitetails?
« Reply #12 on: October 04, 2007, 11:21:57 PM »
I'm getting upset about posting with this style forum.

Twice now I've did quite a lot of typing, then when I go use a smilie, or try to, 99% of what I type disappears and I can't get it back, not even using "undo" when I right click.

I just finished doing some long typing to explain further, went to use the cheesy-smilie and POOF... most all my words are gone again.

Don't use the smilies.

Thumbs down.


P.S. "I'll keep you guys posted.  Thanks for the replies."


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Re: Advice/Opinions Wanted Please!... How Is The 30-06 For Whitetails?
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2007, 02:25:56 AM »
Do smiley faces really have a place on a mans man forum ?
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Re: Advice/Opinions Wanted Please!... How Is The 30-06 For Whitetails?
« Reply #14 on: October 05, 2007, 03:36:13 AM »
Guys we've said it so many times in so many places on here in response to so many people it tires me but clearly folks don't read when we type it in. YOU CANNOT USE BOTH SMILIES AND SPELL CHECK. The silly spell check program has some weird quirk to it that wipes out your post if you try to use both. Just turn the spell check off.

I've been tempted to just tell Matt to turn it off site wide but it seems a lot of folks love it so we've not done so. But things happen so any time you type a long post it's wise to copy it before hitting POST just in case anything happens along the way and it doesn't post. I sure do as I learned that lesson long ago.


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Re: Advice/Opinions Wanted Please!... How Is The 30-06 For Whitetails?
« Reply #15 on: October 05, 2007, 03:42:06 AM »
Dun*t tarn oft spll cheack !
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline Don Fischer

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Re: Advice/Opinions Wanted Please!... How Is The 30-06 For Whitetails?
« Reply #16 on: October 05, 2007, 04:31:32 AM »
I didn't turn spell check on. I have no idea how to turn it off?Never mind. I just found it!
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Re: Advice/Opinions Wanted Please!... How Is The 30-06 For Whitetails?
« Reply #17 on: October 05, 2007, 04:56:02 AM »
I do have one other question too:  When I equip the gun with a recoil pad, do I get a pad that stays with the rifle when hunting or just use one when I sight in?

I don't think anyone has addressed this question since you asked it kinda late into this thread so I'll address it.

The .30-06 for me personally is about at the upper end of my recoil tolerance with my bum right shoulder. From the bench it is pure misery to me. While hunting I hardly realize I fired it and that's common really regardless of chambering in a hunting situation.

My advice is two fold. First get a good recoil pad on the butt of that rifle and the Simms Vibration Lab pads like Reminton is using and calling the R3 is as good as it gets but there are plenty of others as well that work just fine. Add one. Next when shooting from a bench you need still more help or at least I do. I use a PAST Magnum strap on pad and it really tames the recoil and makes all the difference in letting me shoot from the bench without serious pain to this old bum shoulder.

Some folks use things like the Lead Sled but to me that's a lot of hassle I don't want and it's totally unlike field use so I avoid such. Now iffen I was foolish enough to own an elephant gun I'd have to use one I guess but since I don't own one I'd not need such and the PAST Magnum pad does for me and it's no different than what I'll experience during hunting season with heavier clothes on.

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Re: Advice/Opinions Wanted Please!... How Is The 30-06 For Whitetails?
« Reply #18 on: October 05, 2007, 06:40:20 AM »
If you use a lead sled shoot with out it before you hunt , your zero might/will change as what the gun recoils against changed . Don't ask how i know !
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Offline Snareman

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Re: Advice/Opinions Wanted Please!... How Is The 30-06 For Whitetails?
« Reply #19 on: October 05, 2007, 10:20:14 AM »
Smilie issue first:  I'm glad it's just not me.  I thought it was one of those deals only I'm experiencing.  As for reading, I don't go reading all the posts... only what interestes me.  I'd love to read more, but I only have so much time.  My account already says I've spent 5 hours here and I never read where it says there's issues with the smilies.  Now that I know, I won't have to remark about it again.  Thanks for the info.  At least I know what to do in the future.  ;)

I'm still trying to convince myself to get this 30-06 I saw the other day.  Been comtemplating it's purchase ever since I saw it that day.  I appreciate y'alls reply.  I've read a few other posts about 30-06's and really like the info I can find.

Thank you again and I'll chime in again if/when I get this bad boy.  LOL!


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Re: Advice/Opinions Wanted Please!... How Is The 30-06 For Whitetails?
« Reply #20 on: October 05, 2007, 10:28:28 AM »
Only FIVE HOURS??? Dang I think I've been on here that long TODAY.  :o

Mine says I've been online: 50 days, 11 hours and 0 minutes. but I'll bet I'm not even close to Quickdtoo in time online.  ;D

I guess there is no one place that all can see notices of that nature. I think we have it on the help section and have responded to it at least 100 times to folks like you having problems. There is just no real good way to get the message on it out to everyone. I'm thinking tho I might as all Mods to sticky a note to their forums about it.

I'm hoping when we get the new servers up (assuming they survived the fire at Matt's since we still don't know for sure if they did or not) that we'll be able to offer a better spell check than this one.

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Re: Advice/Opinions Wanted Please!... How Is The 30-06 For Whitetails?
« Reply #21 on: October 05, 2007, 03:02:35 PM »
The versatility of the 06 makes it a must have caliber for me. What with reduced recoil loads, light magnums, bullet weights from 110 to 220 grains, hand load options galore and availability of factory ammo worldwide, I cannot imagine NOT having one as a option. I have a whole room full of rifles, some of which I have yet to hunt with, but my go-to rifle for whitetails is a 06 at least 75% of the time.
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Re: Advice/Opinions Wanted Please!... How Is The 30-06 For Whitetails?
« Reply #22 on: October 06, 2007, 04:29:41 AM »
Well I don't have any problem with the 30-06's recoil but my rifle has a pacymyer decelerator on it and I use proper bench technique. Which is making your rifle rest high enough that you can sit up straight when shooting, this lets you rock back with the rifle instead of the rifle slamming you. I sometimes put a soft rifle case between me and the buttstock if I am testing a lot of different rifles. as to the rifles efficiency as a deer rifle using 150 grain Speer Hotcors on top of 57.0 grains of IMR4350 the phrase "Utterly reliable" is written in my loading notes. This gives around 2800fps.
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Re: Advice/Opinions Wanted Please!... How Is The 30-06 For Whitetails?
« Reply #23 on: October 07, 2007, 12:35:27 AM »
Hi All,

      Now some folks bruise easily and some don't likewise some hold the rifle correctly and others don't. Those who don't of course make the first problem worse. Stock designs also effect this some being better than others and some being good at reducing felt recoil. Good recoil pads as stated help a huge amount.

     Now as to the 30-06 being too much for whitetails well my take on it is that you cannot kill anything more than dead! The 06 is verstatile having a large range of bullet weights and it can also easily be loaded to mimic the .308 however it's difficult to get a .308 especially with heavier bullets to mimic the 06. I have both and use them here in the UK on our smaller deer. None of the deer have ever complained.

     Now I also tend to choose a rifle which I like and speaks to me the chambering is secondary which is how I just ended up with my first .243. It was the rifle I wanted not the chambering so now I will learn about the .243.