I have been tinkering with slugs lately just to see where each shotgun shoots My tracker 20 ga. is shooting brenneke heavy short mag dead on [never got into sabots]It is what I'll deer hunt with. I have been taking an other shot gun and slugs to try when I go to the club to shoot just to see witch ones could be used with slug in a jam. except for the tracker II I shoot at forty yards results so far are: m-6 scout have tried brenneke,federal, winchester both 1/5 and 1/4 slugs If I have to kill a deer to survive I'll shoot it in the head with the 22.... N.E.F. 16 ga: remington slug 6" group low and left but usable Now for the plesant suprise I have a n.e.f. 12 ga. 24" barrel full choke complete camo barrel and all this gun shoot a serious full choke pattern 5 shots winchester walmart cheap slugs 4" group at point of aim just to make sure I backed up 10 steps and did it again this was all ready my go to shotgun but this just make it better still have 3 more n.e.f.'s to try 26" full choke 410, 26"mod choke 20 and 32" mod 10 ga. I am also playing with a .490 r.b. out of a shot cup in a 28 ga.