sorry but when all i have to do is install supplied rings on a gun i find it easier than buying a base and rings , with the S&W ya got remove screws not so with the RUGER ! one less thing to come loose with the base on the gun to start with !
I gave the S&W its do .
but when shooting IMHSA i can assure you factory loads don't come close to knocking down targets as well as the stronger loads used in the RUGER , one other point i will mention is the lack of S&W guns on the line at IMHSA , they didn't seem to hold up to volume shooting !
in the field some wish to extend their range with a more powerful load and the Ruger also allows for that !
I to own S&W revolvers ( no 44's at this time ) and enjoy them also , so i have no Axe to grind just pointing out facts so the guy could compare !
Hey if he was looking for a defense gun instead of a hunting gun i would vote S&W , smoother , faster and more options on holsters etc.