Thanks for the kind words guys , ever since i got my first Handi my handloading has taken on a twist

, i used to load just to shoot and did not give much thought to group sizes other than the normal 2" or less is good enough type thinking . With bolts , pumps , levers and semi-autos i alwas knew that a second round was easy to get off .
But once i got my first single shot all that changed . now i try to put as many as i can in the same hole .

This SL has been a real challange for me , this last round of tests has consisted of 5 diffrent powders and 3 brands of brass along with 4 brands of primers . The only thing that has been consistent was the bullet , well over 500 of them and counting .
Before i would have 3 or 4 powders that would cover all my loading , now i have over 40 diffrent ones and trying more every month . It used to be were 2 styles of cast handgun bullets and 3 or 4 rifle bullets would be plenty , i now have Speer , Berger , Sierra , Hornady , Nosler , Barnes and no less than 6 diffrent cast bullets just for my Handi's .
Wildcats were the local football team , i now have 2 and a 3rd in the works , Who knows were this will go from here ?