Jay, the adjustable mold that I have casts a bullet at 0.446. Rule of Thumb is the naked bullet be 0.004 to 0.006 smaller than the bore diameter so when it is wrapped, the patched bullet is 0.001 to 0.002 larger than the bore diameter of the rifle when shooting black powder. For smokeless, the unwrapped (naked) bullet should be equal to or 0.0005 greater than the bore diameter
This 45-75 (not 45-70) rifle has a bore diameter of 0.451. The 2 wraps of 9# Vellum gives me a wrapped bullet of 0.053
Fernie, as mentioned for the 45-75 experiment, the alloy used was 1:11. The alloy ratio was on an old box of Sharps Long Range PP bullets.
As for the casting temperature, it can vary. Every mold is like a woman - likes something different. This particular mold likes 710-730 degrees Fahrenheit
As I also stated - "How do they shoot? Have no idea but will find out next time at the range." In the meantime, Merry Christmas