It's a nice cartridge but has it's drawbacks. It is chambered in full sized guns and that makes them heavier having a smaller hole in them. It is capable of taking deer but only under perfect conditions. If you are hot after a Colt, especially a SAA and you want that caliber, fine, but it is going to cost you! Another option is to buy a colt clone. But if you are after a fun, small bore handgun that will do the job well, consider a Ruger Single Six in .32 mag. You could find one of those used for $250/300, sometimes less. A Colt would only be a pre-war model and would run a cool thousand MINIMUM but more likely a couple more than that. A new colt clone will likely cost $500 or more and I have never seen a used 32-20 used for sale. Also the .32 mag is much easier to reload than the 32-20. It is all going to depend on just what you are looking for; a shooter you can have fun with, or a real Colt. That little pony on the side of the gun is very nice but it is pricey! 44 Man