Some months ago my friend Colin, feeling sorry for me shooting the club gun loaned me his old cannon to shot at the club matches.
Colin said the wheels kept breaking and needed repaired before the gun could be shot.
Well it took 8 months to get the wheels replaced. But in the mean time the guy fixing the wheels lost a trunnion cap. He made a replacement but screwed up the hole and the barrel flopped around. So, I had to find a way to get another trunion cap made... Here's what the original looked like.
I haven't been able to find anyone to make a new cap to replace the screwed up one. My friend Bob from Northern VA will be here for the next Club shoot in October so I need a second cannon. So today was field expediant day. I got out all my tools and some brass strips and borrowed my friends hand drill then made some trunnion caps.
I cut to length and hammered the brass strip around the trunnion. This brass is pretty thin and I wasn't sure that it would hold with just screws. So, I made some squares washers from some heavy strip and screwed them over the long arm of the trunnion for reinforcement.
They ain't pretty but they should work. Boy I miss my shop full of tools.
Any way here's the gun ready to go on the line!!!