If you are F/L resizing, try putting a dime on each side of your die between the locking ring and the top of the press and then tighten it down. Resize, oh, 15 or 20 cases like that and then do everything else exactly like you do with the F/L cases. Then F/L 15 or 20 cases and charge them up and have a shoot off.
I use a flat washer that's about the thickness of a dime with a hole in it that will fit on the body of the die. I put that between the lock ring and the top of the press and resize my cases. After a couple of resizings, you'll get a kinda little doughnut bulge around the neck of the case right at the shoulder. This doesn't do any harm and I think it helps align the case. After the cases have been resized several times (depending on your load) they'll get hard to chamber because they've blown out to nearly fit the chamber. Then I remove the washer, F/L resize them, and start over. I, of course, keep an eye on the case length and neck thickness. I find it's easier doing it this way than re-adjusting the dies with those damnable little screws just waiting to strip.