Trapping beaver is just a easy as muskrat if you do it right the first time. And you are going to do right the first time.
I learned from two great guys, one is Tom Olson and mike tucker both of them have 25+ years of trapping. they showed me a set that they use alot and very simple set too.
one thing so far you picked a great trap to beaver with. I will only used 330s now. i going to tell you about a easy set but is a beaver killer. Make sure you have a conibear safety it make the trap not fire when you are pleacing the trap you can take the 330s safteys off with other conibear safety on. This one thing you dont want to be with out, 330 is very strong trap and is even worse on you hand.
Ok, here we go, first bend your trigger in to a W bend and add wire or chain to make sure the beaver dies in deeper water out of site of other beaver eyes and wire you trap off to a stake, next find a a good beaver trail or pull out. Set your 330 with your tongs and put safety on top of the top and make sure the trigger in on bottom The W, Next put the trap in to water and make sure the trigger is under water all the way, check you states law on this, the 330 has to be at lest half under water here in mn. next use sticks to stabilize the trap or a 330 stabilizer. Next grab some mud from the water and pile it in to big pile of mud about 15 to 20in away from the trap, and if you want to put some small beaver chewing or some small beaver chewed sticks in the mud pile, Now you need some kind of beaver lure with castor in it and then take a small stick and stick in to the bottle with some lure and put it right in you mud pile and take another stick and put little bit lure and put on the water edge. ok, you are almost done, take a step back and look at your set, block every spot that a beaver mite came thro to get to the lure. block as Much as you needed. Now get a you beaver nife ready.