Please answer this question so I can understand better:
If you were President and had a majority in both would you go about defeating the terrorists militarily.
...And please, don't take the "political solution only" cop out, Bin Laden types would laugh, Clinton has already tried that !
If I were President (something I clearly NEVER will be) and even if I had both house and senate under control by whatever party I might belong to I do not think that what needs done could be done. I think that only a single person in total control would be able to do what is needed.
But given total control to make all decisions and then to cause them to be implemented I believe that within 2-4 years I could completely turn things around and at the end of that time step down and return to retirement with this country back on a path that would last for a long long time before we were again back to where we are today.
I'd suspend Congress entirely for that period of time. I'd permanently remove many members so they could NEVER EVER again hold political office. I'd close our borders and severely restrict immigration into this country. I'd allow no muslims in PERIOD and would require any who wish to come here to become permanet residents to have a job prior to coming.
I'd give Mexico an ultimatum to keep their folks at home or I'd shoot them the first step the made onto US soil. I'd tell them and the other countries who primarily ship illegal drugs into this country to cease or that I'd scorch their earth where the drugs were being made/grown and then DO IT.
I'd remove China from "most favored nation status" and tell them to shape up their human rights policies or we'd stop ALL imports into the US from their country.
I'd give ALL muslim nations an ultimatum to cease any and all terrorist activities aimed at the US or face a scorched earth policy by the US. I'd nationalize all foreign owned facilities in the US and kick out the foreigners.
I'd stop handouts to all third world nations.
If I felt it necessary to go to war with any nation over the policy I'd pound it mercilessly from the air prior to any ground troops going in and then when we felt it time would send in the necessary ground troops to finish the mission which would be clearly defined in advance and when that mission was completed we'd walk away and say to them and the rest of the world don't mess with us again or you'll get the same. Not one red cent of US dollars would go to rebuild the area.
I'd return the entire nation to Constitutional Law exclusively by the end of my turn in power. I'd limit the terms of Congress to a MAXIMUM of six years for any person and provide a minimum salary while in office and no retirement or benefits after leaving office. Any and all funds obtained during the campaigns for office not used during the campaign would go into the General Fund and be used to pay off national debt.
I'd remove the illegal amendments to the Constitution passed right after the Civil war that were never properly and legally ratified. I'd clarify that the First and Second Amendments mean what they say and that any and all levels of government cannot in any way shape form or fashion limit the rights of US Citizens to own and carry any type of weapon or firearm they wish to own. That provision is in place to allow citizens to control our government by force if need be. I'd make sure government did NOT limit religious freedom as that's what the 1st is really about not stopping public exhibition of that freedom as it is now interpreted by judges.
I'd remove all firearms laws at all levels from this country. I'd remove the illegal personal income tax which has no legal basis for existence.
I'd have a SERIOUSLY tough policy on crime and illegal drugs. I'd see to it the punishment fit the crime and life in prison at taxpayer expense would be replaced by the death penalty. Trials would happen quickly and not be media spectacles. Swift and fair justice would mean swift and fair but punishment for crime would be severe. Prisons would not be social clubs and would be truly hard time and not a breeding ground for more hardened criminals. If you got out you WOULD NOT EVER want to return there.
I'd make sure our military was the most powerful in the world with the finest equipment money could buy and pay our military a proper salary for their efforts.
I'd fund alternate fuel research and search out new fuels and new energy sources to replace our dependence on foreign oil and more fully develop our own oil resources.
I'd end give away programs and honor the comittment to Social Security that is in place at the same time weaning future generations away from it and cause them to provide for their own retirement thru company retirement programs and savings plans.
By the end of my time in power I'd completely turn this country around so that the Federal government was smaller and involved ONLY in those things the Constitution says it should be into. I'd return most power to the states. I'd end spying on US citizens.
In the last year I'd reinstate elections at all levels to put new people in power at local, state and national levels. Once all were elected and ready to step in I'd walk away with no retirement for the time served and never again involve myself in politics.