jengel - thank you. You have given me a 'new use' for my Timber Carbine. It's only a 444 but it will throw a heavy slug accurately and now I can use it for vermin, er vermit, er varmin, er whaddeva. Now, I kin plainly see that the young man made the shot on the wabbit he is holdin' up but it sure looks like you scared that poor little Marmot to death, or maybe snuck up onnim and clubbed him with the stock - unless he came in low, like Shooter's wabbit and the exit hole is on the underside...............
Shooter - dang man! If the exit wound in under the front leg that means he musta come in from under ya, like he wuz gonna gut ya er somethin'. Guud thang ya got off the shot first or it mighta been bad, reel bad......................cuz I know what they can do................
You are all still incorrigible, and it's great. Thanks.