Oh ,Terry my prayers go out to you for real.
A man who works with me his wife had that also.
Be very careful my friend ,they transplanted her Liver ,and it messed up her kidneys.
And she never was destructive to her body ,i guess it just happens.
But the Kidneys got her in the end ,but she lived for 20 years after that.
This is why we all need to sign up for organ donation , Put it on your drivers license.
Donate to these groups directly ,not through an organization.
Not to sound bad ,A lot of convicts going to Death row Receive Jesus , they want to help ,so do servicemen and women.
But the problem is the Government , Lethal injection destroys the organs ,Firing squad is the only one that doesn't ,except the heart.
Some Convicts have been in touch with family members who need what you need.
They go to Court trying to get the execution to be something that will save the organ that is needed.
A condemned man should be able to make this request.
I am clean and sober ,but if i were to go tomorrow i would want you to have anything you needed.
As would a lot of our war dead ,this system needs to be repaired ,for good people like you.