I couldn't figger out what Howdy's problem was at first. I've always used pure, or nearly pure lead for casting balls/bullets fer BP. Never really paid much attention to hardness, especially where commercial balls were concerned because I didn't use them. After reading this I recalled that I had loaned a muzzleloader to a Pard for deer season last year and he returned it to me along with most of a box of Speer balls that he had purchased. I just went down and hauled that box out and examined them. Surprize, surprize!!! They are indeed harder than my home cast stuff!!!! I had some balls that I had cast handy and did the "thumbnail" test on both those and the Speer balls. (not very scientific I know) and while both passed my nail test (if it's soft enuff to make a distinct mark with yer thumbnail, it's soft enuff fer BP) the Speer balls took a noticably greater amount of force to mark!
Oh well, as I've noted before..."It don' halfta be pure, jist soft!" :lol:
Howdy, try weighin' yer pure lead afor ya melt 'n add 10 - 15 % hobby solder by weight to the melt, for a harder, but still soft enuff, ball for them Rooogers