Author Topic: Deer hit food plots hard. Plants are reemering though.  (Read 1211 times)

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Deer hit food plots hard. Plants are reemering though.
« on: September 10, 2007, 12:38:25 AM »
On August 18, 2007 I planted a combined 4 acres of fields, roadside edges, strips, and plots in iron and clay peas, soy beans, and a smattering of sorghum.  By Labor Day, September 3, 2007, just 16 days post-planting, the soil moisture and a tiny bit of rain had helped the beans and peas sprout and the deer ate all of them to the last little stem.  There was nothing left except thousands of white stems approximately three inches in height.  Where once greenery was appearing, now there is brown, gray, and black bare dirt plus a bazillion deer hoof prints.

Yesterday I went hog hunting there and noted all the stems are budding again!  With a little luck and a little rain I may have a crop for hunting season after all.  I was considering replanting everything but I may hold off.  For two hours yesterday I watched a doe and her button buck feed on corn and peas.  Nice!  No pigs however and that is good too.

Near the end of the day a single small deer with impressive leg, hind quarter, and "blond" color characteristics joined the other two.  Not albino, just distinctively lighter in color than the standard brown.  I focused my 10X binoculars on its head to determine if it was a B-buck, but no luck.  It's forehead is flatter and its face shorter than a yearling doe but there are no tell-tale button markings of a buck.  I would very much like its characteristics in my neighborhood deer herd if it turns out to be a buck.  I tried to watch when it flipped its tail for evidence of sex, but no luck.   Next time I will try to get photos.

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Re: Deer hit food plots hard. Plants are reemering though.
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2007, 02:22:38 PM »
I "planted" a new wooden tower stand on the property yesterday.  I noticed that ALL of the re-emerging peas and soy beans were GONE in their entirety.  Today I purchased 100# of soy beans and 20# of Plot Saver in brassica, turnips, and clover.  "My" deer will kill it in a few weeks after germination so I am contemplating not planting the seeds until a few weeks prior to the season opening on Nov. 10.  Then the doe may at least be hitting them hard by the following weekend on Nov. 17 when one-a-day either sex plus a second buck, if he "participates" may be taken until Nov. 24.  We hope to "thin the herd" that week.

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Re: Deer hit food plots hard. Plants are reemering though.
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2007, 08:51:08 AM »
I think you are in Florida.  We just put out our stuff- peas, clover, askknonny(sp) when it rained.  The mix was purchased from a compamy in Dade City- prompt service.  Up until the saturday we planted we had very little rain.  We lucked out. The stuff had started emerging the next day.

Nothing has hit it.  I have seen a doe and some tracks.  There are hogs there.  We have three feeders with corn going.  I had expected the hogs to tear up the corn.  I saw where a hog had dropped his calling card; however, it did not plow the corn under as I had expected.  There are some spots that are torn up under oaks-acorns?

My son is running hogs with dogs.  When he catches one he releases on our section.  Kinda like stocking.  I am wanting to get a trail camera on loan to the property owner to see our game and times.

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Re: Deer hit food plots hard. Plants are reemering though.
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2007, 12:35:25 AM »
The weeds are back with a vengeance now that there is nothing else growing in the plots.  I have new seed (120#'s), a quickly devised 3.0 acre alternative planting plan plus Roundup and discing - again. 

Timing appears to be everything.  If planted too soon, the deer stay on the new shoots until they're gone and then leave.  If planted in the wrong weather "slot" then it doesn't rain and germination is dwarfed or nil.  While waiting to plant, all sorts of interferences creep into the schedule and threaten to undo the careful timing plan. 

FACT:  It is HARD to be a farmer.