In addition to the gay general being outed as a Hillary supporter, at least three other "plants" have been uncovered. That makes at least 4 phony undecided's who turn out to be democrat supporters. The lady in blue who asked an abortion question is an Edwards supporter. The Log Cabin Republican is for Obama, and the lead toy questioner is another Edwards supporter. agree that Rudy and Romney had a bad night despite what the spin doctors are saying. Early on, both fumbled badly on immigration, then later they were clueless on what their best answer should be on the "Do you believe the Bible?" question. Plus, Rudy revealed his true and dangerous nature on guns.
Huckabee generally did well, but was dead wrong about in-state tuition for illegals, and he glossed over his record on raising taxes.
McCain also did poorly on illegals when he tried to claim amnesty really wasn't amnesty, and I don't trust a man trying to convince me he should be President when he swears flat out he wouldn't use every possible method to extract info from terrorists. I can think of a few cases where very vigorous interrogation methods would be justified. McCain would rather see NYC or Washington vaporized than attempt to stop it by waterboarding.
Tancredo was strong on immigration, but that seems to be his only issue. Hunter seems to be an intelligent and solid conservative, but he isn't given a chance to speak very often.
I admit that I'm biased towards Thompson, and I think Fred's delivery could have been better on some of the questions, but his forcing Rudy, Romney and Huckabee to live up to their own words, and his response on amnesty, the Second Amendment, social security, taxes and the war on terror were dead on target for me.
As for Ron Paul, I'm glad they asked him about the rumor that his campaign is full of conspiracy theorists. He really dispelled the rumor when he said the North American Union conspiracy theory is not just theory.