I'm going to go out on a limb here. ANYONE who sits back and says that there are still lots of deer to be found are hunting private and probably POSTED land. I have been covering allot of area in the last 2-3 years on public and adjoining private land. I am not seeing any deer worth talking about. I have hunted archery quite a bit this year and honestly say that there are only 4-6 deer in the area I've been hunting. Saturday I "snooped and pooped" all day, covered allot of area. I saw ZERO, Zip, ZILTCH, NADA, NIL, however you want to say it NO SIGN of any deer. No droppings, No tracks, No trails. The one thing I did see allot of was acorns! Lots and lots of acorns! That isn’t right! Deer Candy all over the woods and no tracks around it. Come on, I'm no rocket scientist, but I can add 2+2.
Lots of acorns + no tracks = NO Deer
BTW,,,,, I don't drink, don't smoke, wash clothes and myself in the scent free anti bacterial hunting soaps. Never wear my (scent blocking) hunting clothes or boots anywhere but the woods. I change into and out of them at the parking areas. I'm real careful of wind direction etc. etc. I know what I'm doing and what it takes to sneak up on them if they are there. Maybe I'm just very un-lucky and have picked the only spots that have no deer. Not one person that I have EVER met and talked to in the area had anything good to say about the deer situation.
I heard this morning that the game commission has said that next year they are going to cut the doe tags by half. Kinda late I think. One thing is certain, as much as I love hunting; next year I will be spending the time horseback riding with my daughter instead. I won't be buying a license.