Author Topic: 20 ga 870 Wingmaster price  (Read 350 times)

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Offline Dino

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20 ga 870 Wingmaster price
« on: November 28, 2007, 05:16:56 AM »
I have a 20 ga 870 Wingmaster with a 28" barrel and satin walnut wood that I would like to sell.  It's less then a year old with maybe 20 rounds through it, over all I would say 98%.
I've looked in the gun value books and I like the price that they say it should be worth but I wouldn't pay that for a used gun. I've taken it to the gun shop to trade in ($125.00) at that price I should just keep it.
Anyone have what they would call a fair price that they would pay for this gun...I'm just trying to get an idea of a fair price. When it's your gun you want to get the most for it but I don't want to try to sell it and keep dropping the price.
Thanks for the help and I'm not going to be offended by others opinions.

Offline The Gamemaster

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Re: 20 ga 870 Wingmaster price
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2007, 04:00:22 PM »
Most gun dealers works on the principle that your gun used is worth half the price of a new one.

Normal mark up is 30%

Which means that the gun that you bought for $300, only cost them $210!

With that in mind, they are not going to pay more for a used gun than what they can buy a new gun with a warranty...

So you should think of it as an investment, keep it and use it or give it to your kids - now or in the future.  Heirlooms are not something that was bought today and sold tomorrow!

Your gun should be worth $200 - $275 on the open market!