Author Topic: Whats this world Coming to?  (Read 1088 times)

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Offline 30-06man

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Whats this world Coming to?
« on: December 20, 2007, 03:44:07 AM »
I watched the local news last night and they reported a 10 year old at Oakdale Elementary school was going to bring a 9mm to school to kill a teacher for a good note and a star to get treats. Then the next story was about Saluda Trail Middle School and it said 6 students were getting charged with indecent exposure. Then last year at Saluda Trail they said a boy took 2 guns to school and 3 K Bar knifes. My daughter went to Oakdale last year and my son was at Saluda Trail last year and now he's at South Pointe where a fight of 6 black boys beat up a small white boy because he had a printed paper that had research on the Confederate flag for a school project. I don't get it and some parents really need to step up to the plate now. The kid who was going to kill his teacher for a good note and a star sounds like he is spoiled and if he doesn't get his way its wrong. I just don't know what people are thinking now.
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Re: Whats this world Coming to?
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2007, 04:10:55 AM »
Government  say you can't whip your child. start beating those little kidds when there small we wouldn't have this stuff.

Offline 30-06man

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Re: Whats this world Coming to?
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2007, 04:20:36 AM »
I wish schools could still do that.
The sportsman lives his life vicariously. For he secretly yearns to have lived before, in a simpler time. A time when his love for the land, water, fish and wildlife would be more than just part of his life. It would be his state of mind


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Re: Whats this world Coming to?
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2007, 05:40:56 AM »
Last I checked, in roughly half of our States, They can. It has been banned in the other half.

When I went to school in South-Western PA, they hadn't banned corporal punishment yet. At the beginning of the school year, they sent home a consent form for the parents to sign (or not). My mom always gave consent. I was only ever paddled once, for putting chewing gum on some other kids seat in grade school. That one time was pretty much all it took to keep me in line from there on out. Amazing what a 1" thick slab of ventilated pine board will do for a kid....  I tell ya though, worse than the actual crack of that paddle (which was bad enough, believe me) was the embarrassment... I don't know how it was done elsewhere, but paddlings at our school were always administered in front of the whole class. Damn effective methods.

Sadly, I give it somewhere inside of a decade before it's banned at a national level.

I'm not sure what it's coming to, but I don't think I'm gonna like it.

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Re: Whats this world Coming to?
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2007, 05:45:32 AM »
Too many parents want to be buddies with their kids instead of being a parent.  They have tried to pass on a lot of their responsibilities to the teachers.  Or they have bought into this concept of it takes a village to raise a child.  BS!  It takes responsible parents or a responsible parent as the case may be.  On the other hand we have groups like the ACLU fighting to strip more authority from the teachers to deal with unruly kids.  Many of the issues we deal with today could have been rectified if there had been some old fashioned discipline administered.

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Re: Whats this world Coming to?
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2007, 06:01:03 AM »
I know one thing the kid who brings a gun to school also hurts responsible gun owners due to where he got it and someone who was irresponsible. My son was taught from when he was just born and the day he was born my friend bought him his first gun and he wasn't even a day old. He shoots more than I do these days and wants the most accurate load he can get.
His guns are in his room locked in his safe. He knows not to mess with one unless I am around or there is a threat. He got old fashioned punishment with a leather belt.
The sportsman lives his life vicariously. For he secretly yearns to have lived before, in a simpler time. A time when his love for the land, water, fish and wildlife would be more than just part of his life. It would be his state of mind


Offline rex6666

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Re: Whats this world Coming to?
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2007, 07:13:07 AM »
When i was going to school their were no forms of concent sent home, it was just bust
your butt, if you needed it, and i needed it every time it happened.
their were no cries of the teacher abused me, i respected my teachers, because i knew what would happen if i messed up. I asure you their was no such thing a hitting a
teacher (just was never thought of). like hitting a parent.
Now days it seems parents let kids get away with stuff at home, so why not get away with it at school? I watch kids at the mall and some act like they should (they are usualy with aparent) then some act like they don't respect anything,property,people, or aything,
they are usually not with a parent but are dressed totaly different for the others, defiant
acting. sure glad my kids are grown up, sure glad i am not a teacher (would prob. be in jail)
will have to admit when i was in high school i had a pickup truck with a gun rack, yea rifle and shotgun, just like my buddies ::)

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Re: Whats this world Coming to?
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2007, 10:34:14 AM »
This fits right in. Just heard that Brittany Spears younger sister,(16 I believe) just came out and said she was pregnant by her 18 or 19 year old boyfriend. The girls mother had wrote a book on child rearing, it was suppose to come out in the next couple month's, but has decided to put it on hold for a bit. Maybe the title should be,''How NOT to raise kids!!''  Reminds me of Dr. Spock. Wrote a book on raising kids, his own son was a drug addict and committed suicide. Just the person I want to learn from.  gypsyman
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Re: Whats this world Coming to?
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2007, 10:47:33 AM »
When I was in grade school the Principal was a freshly retired baseball player with his own hand made paddle.
Heck of a nice guy but nobody crossed him. Now they can't even use strong words
for fear of getting fired put in the paper and having to start a new carrier.

I also had a gun rack full in the parking lot and carried a pocket knife all the time.

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Re: Whats this world Coming to?
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2007, 11:05:09 AM »
I got "swats" pretty much every day from grades 1-3... after that I didn't get any more until about 7th or 8th grade.  That cured me for a while.  Our principal had pictures of himself playing football for the Bears (I think it was the Bears) back in the days before helmets.  He was big and tough and everyone knew it...  got a few more in high school but that was just pro forma.  Didn't really hurt for more than a minute or two but since my dad was a principal at another school he knew I was in trouble before I got sent to the office.  Of course then I'd get something at home too... and then grounded and then he'd rent me out to a friend to do some free work on a farm or to shovel gravel...  One time he put me to work in a feed store.  I got the pleasure of stacking 80 tons of feed in 50 lbs bags and didn't get a cent for it.  In fact I had to pay for lunch and drinks out of my pocket.  I can't even yell at my kids anymore... sure can't spank 'em.  Wish I could take a strop to one of them a few times... he'd straighten up at least until he got out of my house...

Had a buddy whose dad had a terrible temper... he'd beat him with anything that was laying around.  One time he worked my buddy over real good with a folded up piece of balin' wire.  Now my buddy was about 6'3" and weighed about 220 at the time.  He just stood there and took it and then apologized to his dad and went back to work.  He was a grown man of about 22 then... He could have whupped his dad but he had too much respect for him.  He had on jeans and carhartt coveralls so it probably didn't really do any damage but... if he did it now, the old man would be in jail still...
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Offline deltecs

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Re: Whats this world Coming to?
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2007, 11:21:06 AM »
My son now 27 remembers clearly what happened to him when he was 14.  I'd been working for almost 8 months from home on as a construction manager and project superintendent.  I'd not seen him during this time.  I was walking a boardwalk with him in Skagway, AK and commented on how big and tall he's getting.  He then told me that pretty soon he'd be big enough that he would not have to listen to me anymore.  I stopped dead in my tracks leaning on my heavy wooden cane,(I have MS) and told him he was about to learn the second best lesson in life.  I told him to give his mother a dollar and I handed my wife a $100 bill.  I told him that he would get all the money in his mother's hand if he could beat me in a foot race to the fire hydrant about 75 yds away.  My son said that I could hardly walk much less beat him in a foot race.  I told him that I couldn't lose.  We got into our racing stance and off we went.  I threw the cane between his legs tripping him up entirely.  I skipped the rest of the way to the hydrant and just barely touched it before he did.  I then told him that if he needed correcting that he was going to be corrected by me with that same cane and to h*** with the consequences, but he was going to be corrected.  That was my responsibility as a parent and for him not to forget it.  The lesson is that youth and exuberance will never overcome experience and treachery.  I did tell him I was not going to play fair when he needed to correct his attitude and actions.  I do not care what the State or government tell me what I can or cannot do to correct my children and will defend this position in any court. 
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

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Re: Whats this world Coming to?
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2007, 11:47:53 AM »
Many years ago when my step-son turned 14 he said this was the day he was gonna whup my a$$. Told him he got one free swing, his mother told him it was not going to go well for him. He took the swing and wound up sailing thru the air. Next try he got dropped in his tracks and was dumb enough to get up and try again. 3rd time he went down he stayed there and mentioned something about that wasant one of his better plans for the day. I never laid a hand on him. To this day he still shows respect when we see each other.

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Re: Whats this world Coming to?
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2007, 12:35:08 PM »
When the oldest turned 18 he started getting a little smart mouthed.  The wife jumped him pretty hard about it and sent him to the garage.  When he came to the garage where I was working on my jeep, he came up behind me.  He grabbed me in a bear hug and said in my ear, "So what you going to do now old man".  I looked over at his buddy Kelly and saw Kelly's eyes big and a questioning look on his face.  I knew Kelly could not believe Kirk was doing that.  I had a 12" crescent wrench in my hands, so I just flicked my wrist to the rear, catching Kirk in the crotch with that big wrench.  Kirk screamed, dropped me, and fell to the floor moaning and gasping for air.  Kelly looked down at Kirk and made the statement, "Old age and treachery wins over youth and vitality every time".  "Don't mess with the old man".  After Kirk got his breathing somewhat under control, he mumbled "Dad you cheat".  I turned and pointing the wrench at his face said "Don't ever do that again, next time it will be up side your head".  To this day Kirk has been respectful towards the wife and me.  When his little brother was about 16 and beginning to feel his oats, Kirk sat him down and had a heart to heart talk with him.  One of the things he stressed the most was "Don't mess with the old man, he will hurt you bad".  Skyler has never been disrespectful with his mother or me.  He is now 19, and a pleasure to have around.

One day when the wife was really into Skyler's case about something insignificant, he turned to her and said "Mom you need to be nice to me, I'm the one that will pick your retirement home".  Set her back a moment.  Now when she is nice to him she points it out and tells him he needs to remember this for the future.  Guess it works both ways.
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Re: Whats this world Coming to?
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2007, 12:52:58 PM »
Too many parents want to be buddies with their kids instead of being a parent.  They have tried to pass on a lot of their responsibilities to the teachers.  Or they have bought into this concept of it takes a village to raise a child.  BS!  It takes responsible parents or a responsible parent as the case may be.  On the other hand we have groups like the ACLU fighting to strip more authority from the teachers to deal with unruly kids.  Many of the issues we deal with today could have been rectified if there had been some old fashioned discipline administered.
my old mother allways said that raising a child was 90%love and 10% fear.
bernie :)
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Offline 30-06man

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Re: Whats this world Coming to?
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2007, 01:16:11 PM »
My son has learned some stuff at his age now. He decided to do basically what Sourdough's 18yr old did and he got it just like that and to that his little sister told him that he would never be able to win with me like that. Haven't had to punish him since and that was last year. Don't know what he was thinking since I am 6ft2in 235lbs and he is 5ft 9in and 195. Ohh yeah on top of that I took all his guns away he had to earn them back and he didn't get to hunt any that year. The same will repeat but now he is my size but if he crosses the line he still wouldn't win.
The sportsman lives his life vicariously. For he secretly yearns to have lived before, in a simpler time. A time when his love for the land, water, fish and wildlife would be more than just part of his life. It would be his state of mind


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Re: Whats this world Coming to?
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2007, 03:07:04 AM »
My son turned 46 on Nov 28, during this time I have only had to administer one tail kicking.  At about 14 a friend gave him a bag of "weed", I found it before he had the opportunity to experiment with it, confronted him, and kicked his butt for having it.  As far as I know that was it for drugs.  A friend later told me that my son told him, "my dad is meaner than the devil, but he is fair."  I took that as a complement, he always knew I would come down on him hard if he screwed up, but he was always upfront and came to me with any problems before they mushroomed out of portion.  For minor things I always let him set his punishment, he was harder on himself that I would have been in most cases.

He was taught from day one to respect others property, show respect to his elders, and to take responsibility for his actions.  He is a hard worker, family man, and sets high standards for his kids.  Looking back I think his Mom and I did a wonderful job with him.  Daughters are a different story.