I can't get interested in hardly any hunting or fishing show. Hunting and fishing aren't spectator sports.
It can be if done right. I've seen a few where you felt like you were right there with them and anticpated every second of what happened.
Magazines have sure gone way too comercial too. I can understand that sponsers need to advertise and shows need sponsers, however I think the ratings of a down to Earth show would merit at least a comprimise. Keep the pricy gear to the comercials or a small segment of the show kept aside just for advertising and describing them. Leave the brunt of the show to hunting and it's skills. Make the hunts more interesting than flying to a high dollar ranch and predictably shooting a monster buck.
I just feel like if you've watched one show you've pretty much seen them all. I aplaud the shows that show missed shots and hunts where nothing is taken. Shows that show kids being taught the ropes. To me, that is much more realistic and things we all can all identify with. Were I a sponser I'd much rather have minimal advertisement on a show that has a large number of viewers as compared to a large amount of advertisement on a show that has way less viewers. On those shows I doubt the effectiveness of their advertising anyways as most folks I know have become numb to being force fed gear they can't afford.
Heck, we usualy talk during comercials and pay few of them any mind and even fewer any serious concideration as to possibly buying the product. Interest in the hunts is lost too when you can't identify with them. I truly believe that enough folks are so tired of all the comercialism that many have quit watching hunting shows completely. I personaly know those that have. I also know that a return to basics would draw them back. Advertising their gear does little good if it is driving viewers away.
I believe there's a need to find a compromise or they'll continue to lose viewers. That doesn't do them, the shows, nor our sport any good at all.