Well, I had to stay a bit in AZ, so we didn't get to do any bingo shoot'n until yesterday. It was raining off and on and windy. We started with a 15-20 mph southwest wind, switching to a northerly 15-20 mph wind. Really makes adjusting for drift difficult. Add to that, we changed powder brands halfway through. I was shocked at how much of a difference that can make. We were lobbing 11-14lb concrete slugs. These were cast in small plastic flowerpots and weren't cylindrical. Depending how they leaned as they exited the barrel made a huge difference in spin/tumble and where they ended up! Dennis' range is set up for 75 yards, but he'd been dumping dead skunks at the end, so I set up a 25' square bingo board 5 yards less. This made the "board roughly 60-70 yards in range with 5' squares. After 2 1/2 lbs of powder and a range resembling the lunar landscape, we gave up. That...and I had to head home to meet my son at the house since his school bus was coming.
Even not getting more than a few squares on the board after over a dozen shots, it was more fun than I've had in a long time. Got some good video and great still shots from it!
I slapped together a quick 2x4 base, which surprisingly held up. It flexed a bit on the last "orbital" shot, but the 70 yard shots were pretty low charge. We were shooting at about a 60* angle, which made for good fun watching the concrete rain down, but just added to the wind issues. I love the reaction to the last shot in the video. I didn't let Dennis know I had just dropped 3oz in until after it went off. We never could find the slug. It's a couple hundred yards out in the tree line behind the field now. We heard a tree limb snap, but still couldn't find it.
Here's a few still shots. The video link is after, but sometimes it takes a day for it to be accessible on youtube.
Video link: