Changed my SRH from a Hogue rubber monogrip to a Hogue Big Butt wooden grip. The rubber grip was stinging a bit on heavy loads. Since my SBH is such a pussycat with heavy .44 loads with smooth Lett grips, I wondered if the problem with the SRH was just due to the DA grip style, or due to the rubber sticking to my hand and yanking the skin and meat around. The wooden grip doesn't have the cushion, but it also wouldn't stick to the hand.
Good news! With the wood grip, the sting is now gone, and I find even my heaviest handloads are more than acceptable to shoot without discomfort. After maybe 50 rounds, my hand will start to get a a little sore. Mostly this is the side of my thumb as the thumbrest on this grip is a bit high for my smaller hands. So, instead of my thumb resting in the depression, it tends to sit on top of the ridge below the thumb depression. That bump whacks the side of my thumb during recoil. After 40-50 rounds it starts to get sore. Regardless, it is one heck of an improvement over the stinging slap feeling I was getting on every shot with the rubber grip. First time out to the 25 yd range I did some fine tuning on the scope with my latest 325 gr Gold Dot handloads, then fired the last three shots with best effort. The group is a ragged hole, 0.395" center to center!
I like this grip!!