This morning. It turned to just rain last night and it's raining hard now ant 6:15 am. I decide to sit in one of the stands and watch a feeder. I see three sets of does that each have 2 fawns, a buck that would have been a nice 10 point if he still had both horns, a small 8 point, a spike, a forkhorn and a really big 8 point. Huge bodie for the area. He has 10 inch tines in the back but his second from front tines are 3 inches long and too close to the point. His main horn is what is impressive as they run way out to the end of his nose and he had to be 20 inches wide. He is an older buck and as he walks away his horns are easily wider than his body. Very thick too. All this during a pretty heavy cold rain, the deer don't seem to care. But still no doe. I walk to my truck and decide to see if all the feeders are running. It's 9:45 am and the rain is letting up. Suddenly there are deer everywhere, does, fawns, bucks. I find to a feeder that has gone empty so I head back to the cabin and pick up 6 bags of corn, go back to the feeder, back my truck up to it and fill it up. I look up from pouring a bag into he top of the 55 gallon drum and spot a lone doe about 125 yards away in a plum thicket. I climb out of my way too tall 4 wheel drive by climbing down the tire, get my rifle and climb back up to where i can rest my rifle on top of the feeder. I am standing on the edge of the bed trying to get a rest over the edge of an open 55 gallon drum but things get solid and I squeeze off. I hear a "WHOP" and I can't see her anymore. I watch for a bit and finish filling the feeder then put the lid on it. I hit her at the forth from last rib pretty high and her hind legs must have been lower than her front legs as the bullet goes thru the spine at an angle and out about two inches behind the front of the hindquarter. This bullet leaves a 1 inch or so exit hole. I lose the tenderloins and some backstrap but the hole in the hindquarter doesn't look too bad. I have all the meat on ice and I am too tired to start cutting it up yet but I will make a note of the damages.