I'm in a no win situation at work about this. I am the union steward so I am supposed to represent everyone whether I like them or not. I am also the safety officer. Here's my problem, there's a guy at work that smokes a lot of pot, morning noon and night. Now as the steward I'm supposed to represent this guy but as the safety officer he's a danger to work with. If he were to lop off a finger in the saw that's his own fault but I don't want to see anyone else get hurt working with this guy.
On more of a personal note, I don't believe in drug testing either. Just because you test positive doesn't mean you were doing it at work and I think whatever you do on your own time is your own business. When I was younger I messed with a lot of stuff I shouldn't have, probably like a lot of guys here. But I kept partying and work separate and eventually grew out of it completely.