I can relate to not hunting without a huntin/fishin pardner, that's something I won't do any more and has made me miss a bunch of huntin and fishin, didn't get to hunt at all this deer season due to my pardner having surgery, haven't touched my fishin gear for over a year, my wife is wonderin why I spend $18k on a boat that hasn't been in the water for the last 18 months!!

And I've had my turn in the barrel too, year before last it was both of us, he had a triple bypass and I had elective surgery that put us both out of commission. But we're back at it as soon as we can, if I didn't have every one's experiences here to live vicariously, I'd be one sad puppy, let me tell ya, I'd much rather sit here and read about what others are doing, and share what I've done, than to cut myself off from all that live action!!

But a fella does what he has to, you're the one that has to live with the consequences of your actions, but it seems to me you're cutting your nose off to spite your face if you completely cut that part of your life off that you obviously enjoy so much. As others have said, do whatcha can, while you can, as my Doc said, if that hurts, don't do it.
