now that I have about 50 rounds of proper break in through the gun I went to an indoor 100 yard range today and shot for groups
Federal 150g SP and Federal 165 Gameking BTSPs both shot just a tad less than a 1" group and both printed close enough to each other that I would use either at a 100 yards, both center of groups were within a 1/2 of dead center, the 165 printing just slightly higher
the Federal Fusion 150g was horrible in this gun, about a 4" group!
the real shooter was Remington 150g core lockts, one ragged hole the first few rounds and just a 1/2 to the right, adjusted and shot through about a 1/2 a box.... nice, that's what I expect, a 1/2" group
with the exception of the fusion 150s, all three bullet types grouped combined were about an inch, pretty good
I cleaned the barrel and let it cool down between each bullet type and judged the first round vs the 2nd and 3rd for printing from a clean barrel vs fouling shot and then shot enough of the remingtons to get the barrel heated up to start opening the group up
still got to see what the rounds do at 2 and 300 yards, the longest range I have access to this weekend
but, it looks like the corelockts, a round I have never really given much thought to might just be the one