Author Topic: t/c service  (Read 919 times)

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Offline kevin

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t/c service
« on: December 05, 2002, 02:42:11 PM »
:D You fellas are not kidding what so ever i my self sent the frame and barrels back to t/c for repairs the barrels to frame rattled real bad and the hammer's slining safty did'nt work they replased all parts and gave my frame a new trigger assembly and new hammer .
   plased the .22 barrel on frame and shot  shorts out of it  great accuracy to 25 yards good enouhg for tree rats.
   plased the .44 mag octagon on it witha t/c 2x light retical and fired 15 rounds, having the lighted reticle device thing pop off and hit me in the head, weel called t/c and they sais to send the scope back to them for repairs, well they didn't send me aconfirmation card but a brand spankin new 2x7x20 lighted reticle scope with new base and rings , this stuff would have cost me almost 400.00 , man t/c has my buisness for life, i'm extremly happy with their products and will be getting a new encore this comming spring. :D  :D
                                        happy contender man in georgia'
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Offline Arrow

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Re: TC Arms Service
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2002, 06:23:14 PM »
"I will then call TC and ask for the dude that people want to talk to when they are really upset with the service they have received."

This is sooo cool!  Two years ago when I, repeat I, idiotically leaned my brand-new T/C Firestorm smokepole against the kitchen counter top while I was putting on gloves on my way to the range; only to have it fall onto the tiled floor while pulling on the first glove.  Resultant occurrence was a shattered front optic sight.  I sent the housing, along with the shattered bits to a "Tim" at T/C.  I explained that it was my own idiotic fault, and provided my credit card information for T/C/s compensation.  Five days later I had a new sight with no bill, no nothing.  I called TC and asked for Tim, and thanked him profusely.  His reply, "We do this stuff all the time!"  It was only then that I decided to run to our local gun shop to buy the last new blued Contender frame they had.  I was hooked with their service. :-)


Offline Scott Fisher

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TC Arms Service
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2003, 07:05:16 PM »
I ordered a new stainless Encore with two barrels, and when it came in, both barrels were scratched and the frame was also scuffed and pitted, and looked to me as though it was a bad casting.  The chamber on one barrel had a very deep gouge and the other barrel was drilled, but not tapped for the forearm. (three for three are not good odds)  I called TC and was told to send back the parts for repair at my own expense.  When the parts were returned the barrels were refinished and looked fine, but the frame although refinished was still pitted.  I was told by the repair shop that this is normal and I took their word for it. The barrel with the deep gouge was reamed out to the point that a cartridge flopped around in the chamber and was quite a loose fit to say the lest.  The other barrel was tapped and seemed to be satisfactory.  However the front sight screws of both barrels had been twisted when reinstalling the front sights and looked like a real butcher job.  I sold this gun without firing a shot and took the loss, for my new referbished gun was not what I consider to be a quality built firearm. (barrels and frame must have come from the scrap pile to begin with) I treat myself to one new gun each year, and this was the first American made firearm I had purchased in six years. The problems I encountered with the Encore is just another reason why I have quit buying American made guns.   :x  :x

Offline Javelina

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« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2003, 05:28:51 PM »
I don't have a supporting story or even a story with a point to it.   :-D

I just wonder how a company that has such good ideas (T/C pistols, etc.), a company that hypnotically holds our interest, and a company that often borders on such brilliant customer service in some ways - can have intermittent and catastrophic lapses of logic that both defy and fly in the face of the most basic human intelligence.  I want to support them, I try to support them, but I often wonder how on God’s green earth they manage to make it through a day without self-destructing when I hear about some of their worst episodes of botched customer service attempts.

I’m very happy for the great service many of you have received, I’m sorry to hear about the things that didn’t go well for some – but as sure as the sun will come up tomorrow, we will hear both kinds of stories on this forum in the future, and I will wonder about these things all over again. . .and again. . .and again. . . :?

Good and safe shooting to you all!   :D

If I had a dollar for every time I wanted another Contender or Encore, I'd have about $855,627,452,918