i walk a creek, about 3 miles, crossed on the beaver dam and walked back the other side, the sun was out, no wind and it was really nice outdoors.
saw lots of old tracks, last year, i limited out, this year only day old tracks.
so i left and went to a new spot, a hunting range just moved it, they have hogs, deer and elk. after looking at the elk and hogs, i parked and walked in behind the old apple orchard next to the farm house thats now the game ranch office. walked back a hundred yards or so, there were more old bunny tracks and fresh partridge tracks.
they were walking in under the pines that lined the apple trees, so i walked in among the trees and caught a nice plum bird roosting..
you know the rest of the story..it was a good afternoon..we dont seem to have any of the game animals like we used too, but i appreciate the ones i do get alot more, and i take the time to enjoy the time in the woods and fields more now then i ever have.