Author Topic: How does your CZ 452 American shoot under these conditions?  (Read 2308 times)

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Offline ba_50

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I've read so many posts on accuracy they are getting old and at this point I'm not sure how the tests were run.

This would be using a stock rifle without glass or pillar bedding. A forearm barrel channel slightly sanded would be ok.

So how does your rifle do under calm or nearly calm wind at 50 and/or 100 yards using the folowing setup...
A solid support like sandbags under the forearm and rear of the stock using a good bench. No match ammo please. Please specify what scope magnification you are using. What is the best AVERAGE group with one brand of your best shooting ammo, then say 2 other brands?


Offline FourBee

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Re: How does your CZ 452 American shoot under these conditions?
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2007, 04:31:21 PM »
I know its been awhile since your post, but I'm new here.   I've done just what you're asking.  I used a Weaver 16 power variable scope.   I used all kinds of domestic and foreign ammo.    At 100 yards, ten rounds grouped inside 2  1/2" .    The tightest groups came from the cheapest ammo, (Federal Lightening), of all things.   My CZ 452 just loves 'em.    Had to correct the grouping.   Checked the target I   kept from this test. 
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Offline dalv

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Re: How does your CZ 452 American shoot under these conditions?
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2007, 02:03:49 PM »
New 452 Lux FS with 2.5-4x first shot today.  Liked Wolf MT best - at 25 yd all holes touching, 50 yds - didn't measure but about 3/4" was the average, stingers shot 6" high but grouped good - Aguila Hypers also high not so good on the group.  At a hundred yds I was hitting shotgun (12ga) shells 4 out of 5 times!  Couldn't be happier as this was out of the box.  Can't wait for my sons to try her out (cheaper to shoot than th 17hmr NEF they like now)

Offline flyboy

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Re: How does your CZ 452 American shoot under these conditions?
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2007, 05:17:15 AM »
I know this is a tad late, but you may find it helpful.
452 American, Weaver 2.5-7X set at about 6X, 50 yds.    77-22, Weaver Rimfire  4X:  They don't allow rimfires of any flavor on the 100 yd. and longer ranges. 

But I did fire a couple of 100 yd.  groups  with my 77-22 one day, when the range officer was absent, and the other fellow shooting was agreeable...IIRC,  two kinds of ammo...and probably CCI mini mags was one of them. Both ~ 6in. low, and grouped ~2.5 in. It was a windy day, and I was in a bit of a hurry, for obvious reasons. I think I could have done better. 

 Mini Mag HP 4 rounds, -13/16", 1 flyer, (my fault) opened to 1 3/16".  CCI MiniMag solid 3/4". CCI Velocitor, 1 1/16".  Aguila Interceptor, 1 7/8",( 77-22, Interceptors, 2".)  Win. Power Point  5/8", (?) 77-22, 13/16"  but, I am satisfied with that for a hunting round.   Blazer el Cheapo solid, unplated... 1". Now to see what my Paco Tool may do with them...

I am the limiting factor, but the results are generally in line with previous sessions, with both the 452 and my 77-22 ...except those Power Points... they are GOOD STUFF. :D

As you can see, I prefer the plated HP ammo.  I have ~15 more brands of ammo to test, to make my final selection, but I don't expect radically different results from my last series of tests.   The 452 has a small, but noticeable edge in accuracy over the 77-22, but not enough to feel bad about. They both shoot most of the  the same brands  very well.   

O wait!  One thing I forgot.  I measure groups using an engineering hole template, and the group size is judged to be the smallest hole the group will fit into...edge to edge.  No subtracting half the bullet diameter.  Not gnat's nut fine, but plenty good for my purposes. Besides, all those decimals give me a headache!  ;D 

I will add more results to the post as I am able.

Offline Fat NDN

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Re: How does your CZ 452 American shoot under these conditions?
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2007, 05:41:05 PM »
CZ 452 American with SK Standard . At 50 Yds --  Ragged hole; at 110 yds (100 meters) .50.
I shoot silhouette with this gun and shoot out to 100 meters all the time at Rams free handed.

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Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: How does your CZ 452 American shoot under these conditions?
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2007, 01:11:24 PM »
OK I have a Stock CZ 452 Lux out of the box and the action has not been out of the stock.  I do not think I had to adjust the front sight when I sighted the rifle in for 50 yards.  I sighted it in to where I had 5 rounds basically touching at 50 yards from a sand bag on a bench.  The only modification I made was removed the old sling swivels ( who the heck carries a 3/4 inch sling) and added standard quick release studs and added a 1" leather Military sling on QD swivels.
I was shooting it yesterday at the range  (It always goes to the range with me) .  Out to 200 yards I have broken clay pigeons with the adjustable factory sights.   Move the Mauser style rear to the desired range and you will be really close if not on.  I do not always  hit things on the first round at 200 yards but will before I have to change magazines.  (22 ammo is way to imperfect to get good accuracy that far away.  Shots at the 100 and under ranges provide better hit to projectile ratios.  But it is fun to see if you hit stuff out to 200 yards since the sights go there.)   It freaks out my friends how close I get on first rounds with iron sights when they are not as close with a scoped rifle. I use the Rem 36 grain HP golden bullet mostly but have used a lot of CBs for around the yard.  The CB longs will feed from the magazine.  My pellet rifle is louder.  Set the sights to 50 yards and they are on for 25-30 yards. 
I have a 50 meter Pistol range in the land lords yard and the CCI  subsonic HP  had to be set for 100 yards to get close but they were quiet.  Speaking of Quiet, Do not shoot the Aguilla humming bird loads out of the long barreled CZs  They stop right under the front sight.  Most of the Supers will make it out of the barrel but wander at the 10 yard mark and will bounce off of a rabbit at 20 yards.
I have used the Aguilla 60 grain SSS rounds out of it and they are pretty good.  They hit steel with a loud thwack,  But do not explode a small potato like the HP or the stingers do.  We shoot the potatoes and call them simu-squirrels.  The big slugs just punch trough and blow off chunks.  A HP with center hit will turn a potato into a white ball four feet in all directions.  Instant mash.
I had a rat problem at a previous house and would send the dog in the garage and step outside and wait for the Little buggers to pop out of the dryer vent and use the Win crimped shot shells to great success.
The action is short and very fast.  My gun shop owner friend likes that I let everyone shoot mine and he keeps a few on hand.  It's the best under $300 rifle you could ever own.  Actually it's the best little rifle.  You won't get as much fun out of a rifle three times the price.  It's full sized but easy to carry and will do any small game task you ask of it, be it Rabbits, Squirrels, or a Predator out to 200 yards.  I have no problem shooting a Coyote with it out that far.

Offline ice

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Re: How does your CZ 452 American shoot under these conditions?
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2007, 06:19:46 AM »
These are five shot groups @ 50 yards using a .22 caliber CZ American with a Clearidge Ultra RM fine cross hairs mounted up top.

The only modifications are: sanded and sealed barrel channel and installed Brookies trigger kit.

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Re: How does your CZ 452 American shoot under these conditions?
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2008, 12:22:14 PM »
Sorry for my post above.
I misread post concerning match ammo but, I cannot figure out how to delete it.

Offline Keith L

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Re: How does your CZ 452 American shoot under these conditions?
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2008, 08:32:07 PM »
Thats OK.  We don't mind looking at your nice groups.  Thanks for the clarification.
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Offline wsjones

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Re: How does your CZ 452 American shoot under these conditions?
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2008, 12:55:35 PM »
452 American, 17HMR, Simmons 4.5-14 x 42 AO scope, Burris Z rings, Brooks trigger kit, no other modifications or add-ons.

Ammo:  Remington, Hornady V-Max, CCI TNT, all 17 gr.

Range:  100 yds.     Date:  6/14/04     Conditions:  80 degrees, sunny, wind ~10-15 mph (estimated)

Set-up:  Hoppes Expert Bench Rest front, sandbagged rear, from very sturdy shooting bench

Method:  3 shots each brand at an individual 1-inch round black target then repeat, for a total of 30 shots, 10 for each brand (last target was 4 shots each brand)

Overall average group size (n=30):  0.68" as measured with caliper, center to center of widest 2 shots of group

Average of 10-shot groups for each load:     Remington:  0.56"     CCI 0.91"     Hornady:  0.56"
Note:  **all 3 brands shot to same point of impact**

I did not measure velocities during this session but on 5/30/04 I chronographed both the same Hornady and CCI loads.  Hornady averaged 2618 fps (n=15) and the CCI TNT's averaged 2556 fps (n=10).  I did not shoot the Remington load at that time.

This rifle has continued to shoot exceptionally well.  I've since settled on the Remington load for it because I'm more often apt to find it on sale somewhere.  I have not tried any of the 20 gr. offerings.

Another note:  This rifle/cartridge combination seems to shoot best from a clean or nearly clean barrel (a common feature of 17's I guess).  Accuracy begins to decline measurably after 20 or so shots.  Not an issue for hunting purposes but I think if I were trying to wring the most out of the 17HMR and 452 I'd probably clean the bore every 10-15 rounds.

Just my experience.  Hope you find it useful.  -WSJ

Offline wsjones

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Re: How does your CZ 452 American shoot under these conditions? (correction)
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2008, 01:00:38 PM »
Scope is 4.5-14x40, not 42mm as I originally posted.  Not that it makes any difference except I don't want to get called on it!  -WSJ