In the US, I think there is no question Alaska would be the best hunting state -- deer, bear, sheep, mountain goat, caribou (maybe no elk). At the same time, it is pretty cold and harsh up there, pretty isolated. Wyoming has a lot of advantages. But my final answer would be . . . Colorado. Colorado has good elk hunting, maybe the best; reasonable sheep and mountain goat hunting. Colorado has pronghorn hunting, but Wyoming is real close and you could readily hunt pronghorn also. What I like about Colorado is that you can live in an urbane, sophisticated city such as Denver or an affluent suburb of Denver and have most of the conveniences, luxuries, and other advantages of living in a big city. Professional sports, good restaurants, specialty food stores, good wine shops, good airport services. At the same time, I would guess you can drive maybe 200 miles to get to good skiing, good elk hunting, good trout fishing, good hiking, good camping. I drive 250 miles often to go to visit my wife's family and to hunt deer/duck, and it is a pretty modest drive, in my opinion.