Hey Cookiemann! it was a 26 inch barrel. Cut down to 24" I even spent the little extra an had the smithy set the original front bead sight back on, I just wanted to retain it as the shotgun it once was, guess to just ad to its uniqueness. But the bottom line is that she really shoots! Brenneke silver slugs and Winchester's 2 1/2" 1/5 oz. shoot the best. I did a penetration test by taping together 4 big catalogs an settin that in front of oak, first shoot the Brenneke that hit just about center, then the winchester's had holes touching just about dead center, so I didn't touch the scope. After I pulled the target. I took the catalogs apart I was amazed. The Brenneke I found just under the last few pages of the last book so it went almost through these 4 books! The Winchester's I found about 1/2 way into the 3rd book very well mushroomed and one blown apart which I think may have been hit by one of the other slugs. I've got to get some pictures posted for you Men so you can see what I have goin on here. I'm workin on that part, have alot to laern about the pc stuff. Anyway, I hope this helps. Have a good day Men. scout4<><