I think the reason there aren't more matches is that the guys that shoot those matches are getting older. Sure, there are guys and girls in the military that are great competition shooters, but a lot of them have families, and other commitments,and will put shooting on the back burner for a while.
I think that cowboy shooting is so popular has to do with the fun of dressing up, and playing a role. In formal target shooting, you are concentrating on being the VERY BEST shooter at the match. Sometimes that really takes the fun out of it.
I remember several High Masters who scored for me telling me if I would be more serious about my shooting, I would shoot better scores. That wasn't why I started shooting in competition, I started shooting for the fun and camaraderie.
But after awhile, once the best shooters realized I wasn't all that serious about being a champion, they were done with me.
In cowboy shooting, it's all about having a good time, and a shooting match just happens to go with it.
Db, you mention that you hope I can stay interested in the sport. For me, it's a lifestyle, I was born into a family of target/hunting shooters, many NRA life members, of which I, and my son both are. Guns will always be part of my life, and the family's.
My grandkids aren't at this time too much into guns and shooting, but they are around them so much they pretty much take them for granted, and are surprised sometimes at the reaction some of their "non-gun" peers have to guns.
One more reason why I believe that for a gun person there is nowhere better in the world to live than Texas. This is very much an "old school" society here, and we are quite comfortable with that.