In other post(s) you've said your headspace checks out....
Anyhoo, a washer isn't going to work unless your headspace is WAYYY out of spec. If that were the case, you'd be rupturing cases left and right I would imagine.You'll need to come up with a good material that is only a few thousandths thick.
I'd imagine you *could* theoretically form a shim between the the bolt handle and body...the parts themselves will speak to whether or not they'll accept it. I know many of my rimfires wouldn't have the clearance.
Something along the lines of a steel feeler gauge blade trimmed to fit would likely work. Not sure what type of longevity you would get out of it, though. Definitely not brass!
Personally, I'd be looking at the locking lug(s), the bolt face, and the breech end of the barrel for issues. Get the correct headspace the proper way with new, or correctly fitted parts...rather than shims.
It seems as though you're just "guessing" at what the problem may be...this is rarely an idea that works out well in the end. Get the proper tools or a qualified person to examine the rifle. JMHO.