Author Topic: does anyone have experience with the SAVAGE 93G ?  (Read 1868 times)

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Offline superdown

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does anyone have experience with the SAVAGE 93G ?
« on: December 30, 2007, 08:59:42 AM »
curious if anyone has or has had a savage 22mag bolt rifle . what was the accuracy is like??? Here is a link to the info this is one I'm wanting to get i don't know of any other left handed 22mag rifles ? thanx,superdown

Offline Keith L

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Re: does anyone have experience with the SAVAGE 93G ?
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2007, 10:38:06 AM »
I have a 93R FVSS 17HMR pre accutrigger that once I replaced the crappy trigger worked quite well.  I put the long BSA Sweet 17 scopes on it, and built up the cheek piece so I got a good cheek weld.  I epoxied in some stainless steel posts to bed the action, and was able to consistently get under one inch groups at 100 yards.  The magazine that came with the rifle worked well, but I had to adjust the lips on the second magazine I bought.  The trigger was replaced with a Rifle Basix that worked quite well once I got the hang of adjusting it.
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Re: does anyone have experience with the SAVAGE 93G ?
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2007, 07:30:39 AM »
Keith , thanks for your input sounds like a decent rifle for the money . know to decide what scope to put on it ? , superdown

Offline Keith L

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Re: does anyone have experience with the SAVAGE 93G ?
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2007, 10:17:27 AM »
The gunsmith at a local store was a competitive shooter, and a lefty.  He bought the same one I did and did the same trigger mod to shoot in a rim fire silhouette league the local club was running.  Savage was the only left handed gun he could find.  He kept it even when the expensive European guns became available in left hand versions because it worked well for him.

If you decide on a BSA scope like I did look through a bunch of them before picking the one you want.  I had the clerk at the counter beside himself because I kept finding problems with the scopes he brought out.  Some were not clear, others had flares or other problems on the edges.  I bet I looked at ten or twelve before finding one I liked.  I was mainly interested in the built in ballistics compensator for the 17 HMR, and it did work as promised.

Good luck.
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Re: does anyone have experience with the SAVAGE 93G ?
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2008, 09:59:46 AM »
Are the BBL's the same thread direction as the right handed models so i could possibly put a heavy SS bbl also does anybody know if their are any after market stocks possibly a synthetic one ? thanx, superdown

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Re: does anyone have experience with the SAVAGE 93G ?
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2008, 12:29:07 PM »
Well , i ordered myself the 93GL today  still haven't decided witch type of scope to put on it i am considering a fixed 4x or 2-7x33 maybe even a 3-9x33 it's not a heavy bbl so i don't want anything huge on it .  superdown

Offline bscman

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Re: does anyone have experience with the SAVAGE 93G ?
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2008, 10:11:07 AM »
You'll enjoy it.
They are pretty accurate plinkers--ultimately, you get when you pay for...but with a little work, it'll hang with rifles of twice the price.

The accu-trigger is great (though ugly, IMHO). With a little tweaking, it's easy to get it under 1lb if you so desired.

As for up savage and buy the synthetic from any of the other MKII rifles.
Since yours is a lefty, you'll have to notch the stock for the bolt handle (and you'll end up with a notch on the RH as well)...but it should be fairly cheap. Also check out some of the other rimfire forums, ebay, gunbroker, there are quite a few people looking to get rid of synthetic's in favor of wood---you might find a good deal.

Make sure to clean it well before taking it shooting!

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Re: does anyone have experience with the SAVAGE 93G ?
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2008, 01:44:49 AM »
I have had two Savage 93's, both in 17 Hummer, and only got the second one so I could have the Accutrigger.  I got a real deal on the second one at Dick's Sporting Goods in Lynchburg, Virginia.  It came with a wood stock, heavy barrel, scope and mounts for an advertised price of $259.  When I got to the register, it rang up for $239.  I sold the older one, a field grade with regular barrel and synthetic stock to a friend for $150.  As I see it, I got all those extras for $89.  Not too shabby for a cheap upgrade.  My older daughter loves to shoot 17 Hummer, and the first rifle was her favorite, until she got her hands on the second one with the Accutrigger.  She shoots a Glock, so she felt right at home with the setup.  As for the looks of the Accutrigger, looks was always way behind performance to me.  Anything that works well begins to look good.  Anything that looks good but does not work well is just trading stock.

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Re: does anyone have experience with the SAVAGE 93G ?
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2008, 05:05:13 AM »
You'll enjoy it.
They are pretty accurate plinkers--ultimately, you get when you pay for...but with a little work, it'll hang with rifles of twice the price.

The accu-trigger is great (though ugly, IMHO). With a little tweaking, it's easy to get it under 1lb if you so desired.

As for up savage and buy the synthetic from 'em (93F comes with one, I think).
Since yours is a lefty, you'll have to notch the stock for the bolt handle (and you'll end up with a notch on the RH as well)...but it should be fairly cheap. Also check out some of the other rimfire forums, ebay, gunbroker, there are quite a few people looking to get rid of synthetic's in favor of wood---you might find a good deal.

Make sure to clean it well before taking it shooting!

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Re: does anyone have experience with the SAVAGE 93G ?
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2008, 10:26:59 AM »
thanks for the advice bscman I'll be sure to give a good cleaning . If i don't get a synthetic stock i was thinking about painting the stock with krylon stone color and black webbing sort of like the weatherby stocks and adding Pacskin to the forearm , grip area and cheak piece then free floating the BBL . does anybody know of smooth dove tail inserts for the front and rear sights to make it look smooth ? one more question does it have the rimfire grooves on the action or is it just drilled and tapped the reason i ask is i have a nice set of new B-square groove mounts i thought i could possibly use ? superdown

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Re: does anyone have experience with the SAVAGE 93G ?
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2008, 10:59:22 AM »
thanks for the advice bscman I'll be sure to give a good cleaning . If i don't get a synthetic stock i was thinking about painting the stock with krylon stone color and black webbing sort of like the weatherby stocks and adding Pacskin to the forearm , grip area and cheak piece then free floating the BBL . does anybody know of smooth dove tail inserts for the front and rear sights to make it look smooth ? one more question does it have the rimfire grooves on the action or is it just drilled and tapped the reason i ask is i have a nice set of new B-square groove mounts i thought i could possibly use ? superdown

Sounds like a great idea. The sandstone/black webbing idea is something I've been considering for a while myself. You'll want to clear-coat over the webbing, though.

I have a bunch of left-over "grit tape" from a local skateboard makes a great (cheap) way to get a grip on things.

Marbles, and a few other companies make great little dovetail fillers. Brownells and Midway carry a few brands of different styles.
Check with your local smith--he'd likely got some filler "stock" than he can trim to length and fit file for you (if interested).

I've hand made my own in the past out of aluminum...but only recommend it if you plan to PAINT the rifle (duracoat!!!)

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Re: does anyone have experience with the SAVAGE 93G ?
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2008, 02:20:56 PM »
It just so happens i was surfing through the duracoat stuff at midway this afternoon I'll probably order some of that and saw the williams dovetail plugs but i saw a nice set of williams fire sites that cought my eye . then i read that it should be applied with an air brush so i looked at harbor freight and they have nice little compressor setup for around 55 bucks. can't wait till it shows up at the gun shop so i can start messing with it. got a W.A.C. show this weekend so maybe i can find some stuff their instead of waiting for the mail .superdown

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Re: does anyone have experience with the SAVAGE 93G ?
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2008, 07:19:49 AM »
A few things to know about duracoat.

Don't get a cheap any refinishing, quality tools/materials will always yield the best results. If you're on a budget, you can get paasche dual-action brushes on ebay pretty cheap.

Those tiny diaphragm air compressors aren't that great. They'll put out a max of about 40psi (which is fine) but you'll experience some pulsing...especially if you're using less than 10ft of hose. Moisture is another problem.
Also, canned air doesn't work too well. You usually run out before the project is done, the cans freeze over, and they get expensive quick.

If it were me, I'd go buy one of those cheap 3-5gallon "air tanks" sears/craftsman sells. They're inexpensive, and can be filled for 25 cents at your local gas station....each filling will EASILY be enough air to run your airbrush for 1-2'll still want a regulator and filter.

Duracoat requires a perfectly clean surface. Degrease very well (a heated acetone bath works well). Heat will allow the pores in the metal to expand, and will leach out any oil that might otherwise be trapped. Duracoat HATES oil.

Also, duracoat only does "okay" over polished/smooth surfaces. If possible, bead-blast your parts prior to coating.
Ideally, you would parkerize the parts after blasting (but before duracoating). This gives a great surface for duracoat to adhere, and will give your the most durable results.
Parkerizing solution is relatively cheap...but getting a tank long enough to support a barreled action is tough.
I do small parts in a crock-pot (slow cooker) and the others in a home-made 32" aluminum pan.

If you want to save a little money, there are other finishes out there that come in an aerosol can--duracoat even makes one. Most require baking to cure, and from my experiences are a bit more brittle, but they do work quite well. It's less money/headache for setup.

Best of luck.

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Re: does anyone have experience with the SAVAGE 93G ?
« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2008, 01:29:23 PM »
bscman , thank you for the helpfull information i can all ready tell i would have made alot of mistakes with this project without the enlightenment i have gained here . for a slightly different approach i was thinking i could pick up any old beater stock and loose barrel to practice on before i tempt the fate of my little rifle and when i get things right move on to the rifle . the other thing i am curios about is does the rifle have those rimfire mounting grooves ? guess i'll find out when i get it thanks, superdown

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Re: does anyone have experience with the SAVAGE 93G ?
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2008, 03:25:47 PM »
Yes, it should have the 3/8" dovetail grooves for scope mounting.
I believe the savages are also d/t'd for mounts as well.

If you run into issues with rings sliding in the dovetails, try some loctite, superglue, or toothpaste in the groove (and tighten the rings into it). Another option is to peen the groove just behind the rear ring.

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Re: does anyone have experience with the SAVAGE 93G ?
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2008, 09:02:56 AM »
thanks that's what i needed to know i have a set of b-square dovetail groove bases weaver type that should fit. there new never been used thought i could put them to use until i get a proper base or bases . anyone know of a one piece base ? superdown