Author Topic: Chicamaga  (Read 630 times)

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Offline Holiday

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« on: June 23, 2003, 02:58:07 PM »
Hidy ho, all! We just got back from a little vacating and I thought I would share our Sunday trip with ya. Sunday my brood and I journied to Chicamaga, Georgia to view the historic battle field. Folks, this is a must see for the Civil War buff. I have been before, but this trip was special. Sunday they had two fellows doing a question and answer session in full Civil War dress. They also did a weapons demo. Talk about cool! There is also a really nice weapons display inside the visitors center. The weapons are mostly American military, starting with the early flintlocks and working on up to the WW I bolt rifles, but most center around the Civil War and the early Indian Wars period. There were a lot of Sharps breechloaders of the pre-cartridge type, and a lot of breechloaders that I have only read of such as the Smith carbines and the Maynard rifles. There are quite a number of Spencer Rifles also. Most folks may not know, but the Spencer was used a good bit by the Union in this battle. There were several experimental rifles based on the 1861 Springfields that led up to the infamous Trapdoor. One that caught my eye was a converted Springfield that used a turn bolt, yes I said TURN BOLT, action. It was a single shot, but it used a bolt to open the chamber. Guess the bolt action was a little better known over here than some folks would have us believe! Anyway, If ya are ever around Chattanooga, Tn, or north Georgia, it is worth the trip! :D
Holiday Hayes
Darksider, Gunfighter
"Just a simple Cowboy, tryin' ta git along"

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« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2003, 11:22:57 AM »
The trapdoor shooters are going to bushwhack you for calling it "infamous".    :wink: