Nice day at the range today. A little overcast with a slight breeze. Not crowded
at all. The 22 Handi Hornet was dead nuts today!
This is the best 100 yard 3 shot group with it to date. Just for fun I set out a target at 200
yards. It didn't look too good. Out to 125 or so yards though the Hornet is just plain deadly!
The 223 bull Handi is still giving me headache. I am going to try upgrading the scope next.
Right now I am using a 6-24X42mm Trashco. I don't have a lot of confidence in it. It is
pretty fuzzy around the edges when it is turned up past 12 power. If anyone has any
recommendations for a scope I would sure like to hear them. Leuopld, Zeiss, and other
mega $ scopes are out of my league. I am looking at something like a Bushnell, Simmons
or Mueller. In the $200-$250 range.