Roy makes a good point, I called my Dad's first turkey in for him, he was hunting with our old 1920s H&R 12ga with full fixed choke, shooting #6 2¾" high base loads made well before there was such a thing as a turkey load!! He put it down at 21yds, at 73yrs old he was about as excited as I'd ever seen him, I was too!!
One other detail that set that hunt apart from others was we were walking down an old logging road made in the early 1900s that had long since been gated off, there was a plastic juice bottle laying in the road and I kicked it down the road, that was the sound that got the turkey to first gobble, so they'll shock gobble to all kinds of sounds. I set a hen decoy out and got into position and called with a slate call, the turkey triple gobbled right off and came in within 3 or 4 minutes, he was one hot, love starved tom.
My first turkey shock gobbled to the squeaky door hinge on Dad's Wagoneer as we got out after parking at the end of a Road in the Buck Creek drainage, that hunt ended up 30 minutes later with a dead tom, my first!! The turkey was taken at 18yds with a Savage 311 12ga with fixed choke and a #6 2¾" turkey load.